
Popular Drama Movies

Leshiy 2
Leshiy 2
Счастливому семейству Никитиных, ожидающих первенца, объявлена настоящая война… Ни Света, ни Алексей не в состоянии оборвать череду необъяснимых происшествий — взрыв самолета, похищение сестры Алексея, отравление лошадей. Под подозрение милиции падает каждый, кто когда-либо бывал в усадьбе или работал у его радушной хозяйки. Ничего не проясняет и письмо, подброшенное Алексею — похититель не требует выкуп за Катю. На ее поиски сначала отравляется Никитин старший, днем позже Света и Карпыч… Все трое пропадают в лесу…
Leshiy 2 2008
Ladrones a Domicilio
Ladrones a Domicilio
Bruno's life starts darkening when he is informed in the university he works that the scholarship programs have been suspended. Daily, he faces the lack of discipline and respect of his students, mainly from Rogelio, the son of a rich family. With the help of his godparent, he takes a second job as the driver of a values transport company.
Ladrones a Domicilio 2008
No Correct Way
No Correct Way
Rome SDS and Kids on Shred Productions is setting the stage for their 2nd full length film release in September of 2008. Coming off a solid project in "Any Means" the crew has come back to bring you more of what snowboarding is to us. With the whole team back plus some new young kids upping the level, No Correct way will show snowboarding progression by following around the Rome Team to all corners in search of snow.
No Correct Way 2008
Come Here Today
Come Here Today
Alex takes on a poignant journey that examines his relationships with lover, brother and mother on his way to an emotional reconciliation with his father. Alex's take on life is surprisingly crystal clear for a man who has lived life to the full.
Come Here Today 2008
Glupaya Zvezda
Glupaya Zvezda
Эля Найденова — круглая сирота. Она выросла в детдоме. Но теперь ей семнадцать — пришло время покидать стены приюта и начинать жить самостоятельно. Директор учреждения советует Эле непременно поступать в педагогический институт, потому что прекрасно знает о незаурядных способностях своей воспитанницы. Но девушка мечтает о карьере певицы. У нее прекрасный голос, и не воспользоваться этим талантом было бы преступлением. Однажды Найденова случайно узнает, что на телевидении совсем скоро будет проходить конкурс вокалистов «Звездные войны», победитель которого получит шанс стать звездой эстрады. На отборочный тур могут прийти все желающие. Наивная и совсем не знающая жизни Эля отправляется покорять столицу. Девушка верит в свои силы и в то, что в шоу-бизнесе все по-честному.
Glupaya Zvezda 2008
Shy, thirteen year old Xenia doesn't feel comfortable in the overly-regulated society she lives in. In search of a place for herself she discovers an island on which time doesn't seem to exist. This is where she finds the key to her future.
Atlantis 2008
During the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II, a young girl from Vigan and an idealistic Japanese officer fall in love. With a war between them and disapproval from both sides, the two struggle to find their own piece of happiness in the world as duty and family threaten to tear them apart.
Iliw 2008
Duelos de Pasarelas
Duelos de Pasarelas
Duelos de Pasarelas 2008
Overview Coming Soon...
Bhargava 2008
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
A beautifully made, horrifyingly powerful insight into the deepest sadness of war.
Happy New Year 2008
The Puzzle
The Puzzle
The Puzzle 2008
Eight twenty-somethings gather together to celebrate the birthday of a mutual friend. Before the evening concludes, relationships are tested, hearts are broken and passions are renewed.
Bookends 2008
A sudden rainstorm is unleashed on a city. Everyone seeks refuge. When the clouds thin out, life continues.
Rains 2008
The 9 Ball Diaries
The 9 Ball Diaries
Ride shotgun with road racings golden boy, Tim Johnson, as he wraps up his day job and he makes the transition to compete in his true love of Cyclocross. Follow Tim as he tackles the North American cyclocross circuit, kicking off under the lights in Las Vegas, then battles through the rain and mud of the entire grueling USGP series and then onto claim the National Championship title.
The 9 Ball Diaries 2008
TNA: Knocked Out
TNA: Knocked Out
The knockouts of TNA Wrestling recap the year of 2008 with some extras.
TNA: Knocked Out 2008
The Yellow
The Yellow
The stopped time of the entrerriana siesta. The songs of a woman like suspension bridges. A lost foreigner with desire to be. A day, an encounter. Almost like a documentary, the film introduces to us in this place; a news article to the Earth, the landscape; where a small one, but deep fiction history is shown with simplicity, the intensity and the love of the rural atmosphere that contains it.
The Yellow 2008
El misterio del pez
El misterio del pez
Once upon a time, an old man went fishing every day and every day he caught the same fish.
El misterio del pez 2008
In 1898, a band of Spanish soldiers heroically defended Baler against Filipino forces for 337 long and grueling days. The battle, now referred to as the Siege of Baler, is the setting of a forbidden love between a Mestizo soldier and a Filipina lass who lived at the end of the 19th century.
Baler 2008
Кассирша супермаркета Галина находит утешение от семейных неурядиц в любви к студенту и помогает ему выбраться из-под материнского гнета. Студент счастлив, но чтобы решить свои материальные проблемы, он выносит из магазина, когда Галина работает за кассой продукты. Разумеется, они попадаются…
Kipyatok 2008
Hell House
Prime Video
Hell House
The Shively house has always been a center of dark happenings throughout its existence every family that has inhabited the house has experienced a miserable and deadly end. Tonight a group of friends discover the awful truth that lay dormant in the house. The demons have possessed the former grounds keeper Adam (William Martin) to help with their escape and Theadora (Kari Wishingrad) the last in the bloodline of the soothsayers is the only one that can help stop the evil before... The demons get out
Hell House 2008
Dirty Magazines
Dirty Magazines
Set in the 1980's, this short film written/directed by Jay J. Levy follows a teenage boy's relationship with his mother as it takes a wild turn on his 16th birthday when his mother finds all-male adult magazines under his bed.
Dirty Magazines 2008
The year is 1943. Russian Counter-Intelligence intercepts a radio transmission which indicates the Germans' intention to destroy the production line of a new type of weaponry in Ural region. Commander of the Special Unit, Captain Greenhoff, arrives in the Ural region, but he is not the person indicated by his ID. Not many people know the know the technical name of this weaponry, but it is known all around the world as the rocket launcher: KATUSHA.
Katusha 2008
I'm in Away from Here
I'm in Away from Here
Archie and Bruno are two boys with mental problems. One day, instead of going to their theatre class, they wander around the city and spend the afternoon in a rather seedy pub.
I'm in Away from Here 2008
Teczki 2008
Lying in Grass
Lying in Grass
A child lost in nature and saved. On the other hand, a relationship is about to finish. Will nature allow to repair broken relationships?
Lying in Grass 2008
A disturbed man enters a room and, unbeknownst to others, is having psychotic episodes.
Subconcious 2008
Behind the Facade
Behind the Facade
The family Rieber seem to be a happy one, but every member has something to hide…even murder.
Behind the Facade 2008
The Trap
The Trap
What at first appears to be a surprise family holiday turns into a kidnapping and ends in a nightmare, when Simone discovers her father is on the run from serious problems. As she slowly realises that he is losing his mind and on the verge of doing awful harm, she decides to protect her family. Loosely based on a family drama in the Netherlands.
The Trap 2008
Vishaka Express
Vishaka Express
Visakha Express is a Suspense Thriller Movie. The basic plot of the story is taken from Strangers On A Train, which is about the two strangers and exchange of murders.
Vishaka Express 2008
Open Secrets
Open Secrets
A short drama about the stigma and shame surrounding mental illness in an Asian family
Open Secrets 2008
Boltiya Al-Ayma
Boltiya Al-Ayma
المعلمة بلطية تواجة مستثمرون يحاولون السيطرة علي شاطيء خاص في الماكس تعيش فيه مع ابنتها ..مواجهة بين المعلمة والمستثمرون
Boltiya Al-Ayma 2008
One night, a police department receives a call complaining about screaming coming from a house. The police find Ingorn (Mai Charoenpura), a 30-something land lady who is just moving in with her 7-year-old daughter, Pear. The daughter appears to have a mental condition and she has bruises all over her body. Ingorn insists on not letting her daughter have a thorough check-up at the hospital, but according to parental law she has to allow her daughter to see a psychiatrist. During the therapy, Pear claims that she is possessed by a spirit of a boy who haunts and hurts her...
Memory 2008
Volu-re-a-dicionário 2008
Pranali: The Tradition
Pranali: The Tradition
A never ending journey of a devdasi...
Pranali: The Tradition 2008
Playing the Taar
Playing the Taar
Ay Nabaat is a 17-year-old girl from the Turkmen ethnic minority in Afghanistan
Playing the Taar 2008
The Other War
The Other War
In a middle of a war, three women fight for a normal life, but can never seem to agree on the actual meaning of normal. "The other war" tells the tale of Tel-Aviv during the second Lebanon war. It's a film about Israel, Militarism and denial, but mainly about love.
The Other War 2008
Little Life
Little Life
The film tells about the fate of a little boy Pylypko. In the hungry winter of 1932-1933, his mother died. The boy is taken away by his uncle, but Pylypko runs away from his house in search of his mother. He got lost in the woods and almost froze. The child is saved from death by two monks and taken to a monastery. There he learned to paint icons and proved to be a very capable artist. Later a Frenchman came to the monastery. His young daughter is very ill, and the boy sincerely wishes her recovery. Learning that this requires praying to St. Panteleimon, Philip decides to draw his icon and help the girl.
Little Life 2008
The Devil's Whore
The Devil's Whore
Set between the years 1642 and 1660, "The Devil's Whore" charts the progress of the English Civil War through the eyes of the a 17 year old girl, the fictional Angelica Fanshawe.
The Devil's Whore 2008
La Hummer asesina
La Hummer asesina
La Hummer asesina 2008
The Summit
The Summit
Set on the eve of the next G8 Summit, this miniseries follows a mother's desperate struggle to bring justice to her murdered son, fallen victim to a corrupt pharmaceutical company.
The Summit 2008