
Popular Documentary Movies

Who We Will Have Been
Who We Will Have Been
Filmmaker Erec Brehmer's world collapses when his longtime partner Angelina Zeidler dies in a car accident. Using personal videos, photos, voice messages, diary entries and music they shared, he creates ways of meeting and loving her again despite her absence. "We don't talk about the dead, even though that's the only thing we can still do" once someone is gone. And so, Who We Will Have Been is less a documentary and more a mode of communication with the deceased, where slow motion, reverse and soundbites taken in a totally different context suddenly give profound meaning and subtext. When Angi asks in a saved video "Am I still in time?" it resonates with deep, universal, spooky-action-at-a-distance significance. Do we still exist in time without a body and out of mind? Brehmer's powerfully emotional and absorbing meditation on living with loss recognizes that grief changes, but never really ends, like love.
Who We Will Have Been 2021
Dernier voyage au Laos
Dernier voyage au Laos
Fifty years ago, I immerse myself in the past which transports me to this lost paradise, where for five years I experienced absolute happiness. » Through old photos, words and drawings, my French grandmother and my father immerse themselves in Laos in the 70s. With all these scraps of memories, I try to understand who my grandfather Singkéo is, in questioning the notions of roots, attachment and family tearing.
Dernier voyage au Laos 2021
Le Colisée, une mégastructure romaine
Le Colisée, une mégastructure romaine
Le Colisée, une mégastructure romaine 2021
Love Bound - When Your Child Becomes Mentally Ill
Love Bound - When Your Child Becomes Mentally Ill
One out of ten in Denmark suffers from mental illness and it is the most common health condition of them all. Yet, due to the taboo and stigmatisation of mental illness, it is still under prioritized and as a result the welfare system is pushed to its limits. The care of the mentally ill instead falls upon relatives, most often parents and they become the lifeline and primary carer. When a family member gets sick it affects everyone in that family and especially those who love them. LOVE BOUND unconvers the unconditional love, which governs the relationship most parents have to their children and that must somehow be altered, when a child is suffering from mental illness.
Love Bound - When Your Child Becomes Mentally Ill 2021
Piss Off X
Piss Off X
A historic underground gay document. Shocking. Intimate. Taboo. A behind-the-scenes look at the performance art of a millennial artist who travels the world performing in public spaces using the medium of piss, video and the internet to break social norms.
Piss Off X 2021
How the Titanic became my lifeboat
How the Titanic became my lifeboat
The film is based on a true story about an Icelandic boy called Brynjar Karl. The film explores those possibilities with Brynjar and other young people who share their experiences being on the autism spectrum and how their talent elevated them.
How the Titanic became my lifeboat 2021
When a young woman is shot by an undocumented immigrant on Pier 14 in San Francisco, the incident ignites a political and media furor that culminates in Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States. In the eye of this storm, two public defenders fight to reveal the truth.
Ricochet 2021
How I Became a Partisan
How I Became a Partisan
This documentary film reveals how the lives of the descendants of a partisan fighter in the Second World War are still impacted by the events of that period, 75 years after the end of hostilities. In making her case, Lacková provides glimpses into her private surroundings. Over the course of her film, she also points out frightening parallels between the reign of the Nazi terror regime and the resurgence of racist currents throughout today's Europe.
How I Became a Partisan 2021
About Everything There Is to Know
About Everything There Is to Know
A group of filmmakers arrives in Santiago de Chuco, a town in the Peruvian highlands where the poet César Vallejo was born. With the excuse of a casting, the filmmakers appropriate the theater and the inhabitants of the place arrive, revealing little by little some lives embraced by the aura of the poet, who died in Paris seventy years ago. All of them, inhabitants and filmmakers, are confused between verses, stories and poetry. Fantasy emerges and characters like the blind Santiago-who rings the bells always warning something-; or the young musician Elder - whose desires loom like a cornucopia-trace a liminal path between fiction and reality.
About Everything There Is to Know 2021
One Man's Dream
One Man's Dream
One man's dream to build the best stereo system with no holds barred 30,500 watts 24 subwoofers 7 custom built speakers 9' tall line arrays 1500 pound turntable 27 years to build
One Man's Dream 2021
You Don't Own Me
You Don't Own Me
Plot kept under wraps. In post- Production.
You Don't Own Me 2021
Happy Valley
Happy Valley
In Hong Kong, echoes of resistance and turmoil are sensitively captured on 16mm in this poetic rumination of public spaces and everyday life in a metropolis in upheaval.
Happy Valley 2021
AIDS Diva: The Legend of Connie Norman
AIDS Diva: The Legend of Connie Norman
Seizing her power as she confronts her mortality, trailblazing trans activist Connie Norman evolves as an irrepressible, challenging and soulful voice for the AIDS and queer communities of early 90's Los Angeles.
AIDS Diva: The Legend of Connie Norman 2021
Ik deed aangifte tegen de minister van Onderwijs
Ik deed aangifte tegen de minister van Onderwijs
What is it like to be gay at an (orthodox) religious school? Who are the young people for whom the situation sometimes feels so hopeless that depression and suicide are more common than for other young people? Armed with an open mind, empathy, self-mockery, and curiosity, Yora Rienstra enters into a conversation with these young people, their parents, the schools, and various institutions that work with LGBTQIA+ people. What is everyone's struggle with this theme? What information is given and where is there still work to be done? An honest look into the world of education shows that there is also movement within the (orthodox) religious schools
Ik deed aangifte tegen de minister van Onderwijs 2021
The Trim
The Trim
Uplifting snapshots from Finnish summertime’s most beloved and thoroughly hated hobby: mowing the lawn.
The Trim 2021
Koan V
Koan V
Seán Martin’s "Koan V" meditates on reeds filmed in close-up on the Scottish isle of Jura. With an accompanying quotation from Rebecca Solnit, an intersecting soundscape of subways, birds, folk musicians and chatter recorded in Prague suggests new possibilities between disparate sounds and images.
Koan V 2021
Doc Emrick - The Voice of Hockey
Doc Emrick - The Voice of Hockey
A retrospective on the career of Doc Emrick featuring interviews of those who worked with him.
Doc Emrick - The Voice of Hockey 2021
Guilty of Loving: The Ordeal of Gays in Tunisia
Guilty of Loving: The Ordeal of Gays in Tunisia
The director meets Amir and Ramzi in a café in a small Tunisian town. They don't want to be seen there. They have to find a discreet place to talk. Like many other gay couples in Tunisia, Amir and Ramzi are living a nightmare since the Tunisian Revolution. With them, the director will discover the daily life of the Tunisian homosexual couples, even in the discrete parties organized in hotels of the country.
Guilty of Loving: The Ordeal of Gays in Tunisia 2021
Selfie. Chaos and Creativity
Selfie. Chaos and Creativity
A portrait of a generation that grew up in the era of the Internet and social networks. “Selfie Generation” are people who do not part with their smartphones and count likes on Instagram every day. Selfies for them are not only a way of life, but also a whole philosophy. The 12 characters in the film reflect on the present and the future. Among them are the famous Internet influencers and bloggers-millionaire "Instagram", representatives of art and show business, as well as promising students and lyceum students.
Selfie. Chaos and Creativity 2021
The Welcome
The Welcome
The Welcome is a life-affirming collection of short films sharing stories that will transport you across countries, borders and oceans. Hear fresh voices and emerging Queensland artists from diverse backgrounds tell honest and authentic stories about migrant and refugee experiences and what it means to belong in Australia. The Welcome is an extension of La Boite’s critically acclaimed 2020 stage production, The Neighbourhood. This intimate storytelling experience was created by La Boite with Brisbane-based production company KIOSK and proudly supported by the Commonwealth Bank and Queensland Government. The Welcome screens across multiple digital platforms, in recognition and celebration of Queensland’s diverse communities.
The Welcome 2021
Une place au soleil
Une place au soleil
Une place au soleil 2021
Skittles: A Documentary
Skittles: A Documentary
This non-fiction documentary follows the development and reminiscence of the Skittle Fight series leading up to its finale.
Skittles: A Documentary 2021
何大的乌托邦 2021
Tomorrow Is a Long Time: Chrissie Hynde Sings Bob Dylan
Tomorrow Is a Long Time: Chrissie Hynde Sings Bob Dylan
A portrait of Chrissie Hynde, told in her own words as this film explores her inspiration and creative process while creating 10 Bob Dylan covers.
Tomorrow Is a Long Time: Chrissie Hynde Sings Bob Dylan 2021
The Flight of a Seagull
The Flight of a Seagull
City Yalta at Azov territory many years ago was a popular and happy place. Now it's hurt to see its abandoned buildings. The nature isn't alright and the people are leaving this area.
The Flight of a Seagull 2021
Come una vera coppia
Come una vera coppia
Come una vera coppia 2021
Trondheim: the Gateway to Great North
Trondheim: the Gateway to Great North
The real "gateway" to the "Great North" is Trondheim, the small, well-kept, historical and welcoming Norwegian town that is only half a day from the Arctic Circle. Tundre, boundless horizons, rarefied vegetation, dark and still lakes, cold wind and clouds
Trondheim: the Gateway to Great North 2021
Our Faces Have Been Taken Away
Our Faces Have Been Taken Away
The film tells the story of modern slavery from the perspective of the only Russian organization carrying out mass rescue missions both within the country and abroad.
Our Faces Have Been Taken Away 2021
Estos muros
Estos muros
In the mountains of Madrid, Spain, a railway track on an abandoned bridge and a poem erased from the wall of a ruined building reveal a deliberately silenced story: the system established by Franco's dictatorship after the civil war (1936-39) that allowed hundreds of companies to use thousands of convicted Republicans as slave labor.
Estos muros 2021
Marvell Park
Marvell Park
A playful and personal meditation on a state of being, of how to move and interact with nature and the space of the park in a time when the world was so tangibly in flux. It takes a long view of the changing seasons and the puzzling activities of humans and other wildlife.
Marvell Park 2021
No Signal
No Signal
She would have wanted to be the Princess of Monaco but, after seventy years of marriage, the observation is bitter. In the kitchen, Marie-Thérèse realizes that she misses everything, except her husband.
No Signal 2021
Signal to Noise
Signal to Noise
The most recent work presented in the retrospective, assembled primarily from the directors’ own archives and depicting Novosibirsk’s music scene of the 1990s. A fragmented form and shifting rhythm characterise the visual element of the film as well as its auditory dimension. Guitar noise dissolves into hauntological film loops and indistinct speech merges with fragments of radio and television broadcasts.
Signal to Noise 2021
A Pile of Ghosts
A Pile of Ghosts
What is real and what isn’t in a replicated city? Ella Raidel made this penetrating ghost-town film in contemporary China, interweaving actors and ordinary people, sets and footage of the city. Aren’t the real estate agents, construction workers and investors simply playing a game? What remains of reality in a world dominated by the vagaries of capitalism? A Pile of Ghosts is a mysterious puzzle where the dividing line between fact and fiction becomes increasingly blurred. In this strange world, subjected to speculation, it actually doesn’t seem to matter anymore.
A Pile of Ghosts 2021
Our modern landscapes are changed by excesses and compromises, what has our view become?
View 2021
Happy Community
Happy Community
Happy Community 2021
The Woman Who Built Cities
The Woman Who Built Cities
The picture is dedicated to the fate of Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kusakova - production designer of the Mosfilm film studio, who created costumes and sets for the cult Soviet films Anna Karenina, Pomegranate Bracelet, Aybolit-66, Ordinary Miracle, Pokrovskie Gates and many , many others.
The Woman Who Built Cities 2021
Jon Pertwee: Uncut!
Jon Pertwee: Uncut!
Born John Devon Roland 'Jon' Pertwee and originally serving in the Royal Navy and Naval Intelligence Division during WW2, he became famous as the third incarnation of the Doctor in the legendary science-fiction TV series Doctor Who between 1970-1974. Towards the end of his life, he maintained a close association with Doctor Who by appearing at many fan conventions related to the series and giving interviews.
Jon Pertwee: Uncut! 2021
A Jewish Life
A Jewish Life
Marko Feingold used to say: “nothing can hurt those who already died once”. He himself had died several times over, as a survivor of four concentration camps: Auschwitz, Neuengamme, Dachau, and Buchenwald. From the moment of his liberation to the day he passed away last September, aged 106, he dedicated his life to helping tens of thousands of survivors on their arduous journeys to Palestine, and later channeled his efforts into Holocaust remembrance.
A Jewish Life 2021
The Hockey Miracle in the Middle of Nowhere
The Hockey Miracle in the Middle of Nowhere
In 2007, something happened in the NHL that had never been seen before. For the first time in the league’s 90 year history a player from Denmark, a tiny country with no hockey tradition, took to the ice. And it didn’t stop there. In the following years, even more Danish players unexpectedly broke through to the NHL. But the most amazing part of this story, is that these players didn’t just come from Denmark. Unbelievably, they all came from the same small town. Welcome to Herning, a town with a population of only 50,000 in the middle of nowhere in Western Denmark. But in just nine years, Herning sensationally produced five NHL players. In the same time period, Chicago produced three, and Detroit produced four. This is the story about how little Herning against all logic become a hotbed of NHL players.
The Hockey Miracle in the Middle of Nowhere 2021
Beethoven, popstar de 250 ans
Beethoven, popstar de 250 ans
Beethoven, popstar de 250 ans 2021