
Popular Documentary Movies

Fulgte minkavlere myndighedernes anbefalinger?
Fulgte minkavlere myndighedernes anbefalinger?
Fulgte minkavlere myndighedernes anbefalinger? 2022
The Nine Lakh Stars
The Nine Lakh Stars
Loubna Régragui is above all a film preservationist who also makes films. One needs to put it like that to understand some of the energies that animate The Nine Lakh Stars, which was the search for acceptable analogue elements of Maṇi Kaul’s high-modernist masterpiece Duvidha (1973) whose soul, she thinks, was erased by its digital mastering. Which is an interesting question to ponder apropos of a film that tells the story of a ghost, who incarnates a young bride’s absent husband... Is the digital the ghost of the analogue?
The Nine Lakh Stars 2022
Spectrum Restoration
Spectrum Restoration
More than 30% of Brazil's Pantanal biome was affected by fires between the years 2018 and 2021 due to unscrupulous agribusiness. Felippe Mussel's experimental film consists of a sound spectrogram of these fires, from which a fragment of the Ecuadorian constitution gradually emerges, granting nature the same rights as humans.
Spectrum Restoration 2022
Alfredo Arias, the man of a thousand and one heads
Alfredo Arias, the man of a thousand and one heads
Alfredo Arias is an Argentinian artist whose nephew decides to follow him around through one year of work to study his creations and make this documentary.
Alfredo Arias, the man of a thousand and one heads 2022
Agno: Memories of a Forgotten River
Agno: Memories of a Forgotten River
A creative documentary film about the Agno River communities of Bayambang, Pangasinan.
Agno: Memories of a Forgotten River 2022
Let Us Breathe
Let Us Breathe
Following two student activists as they fight to prevent a serial polluter from entering their neighborhood on the southeast side of Chicago, Let Us Breathe highlights the personal toll of environmental damage.
Let Us Breathe 2022
Le siège d'Orléans, la forteresse de Jeanne
Le siège d'Orléans, la forteresse de Jeanne
Le siège d'Orléans, la forteresse de Jeanne 2022
"Covidentity" is the combination of two words "Covid" and "Identity". The video shows the artist with a face mask taking a selfie in a public space.
Covidentity 2022
Wash My Soul in the River's Flow
Wash My Soul in the River's Flow
Go behind the scenes, and onto the stage, of a legendary concert to discover the story of Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter, told in song – a story that should be told to every Australian.
Wash My Soul in the River's Flow 2022
Fabula Rasa
Fabula Rasa
Fabula Rasa is a film about regenerative agriculture and a filmmaker’s search for identity. In the short film, documentarist Pieter-Jan Van Damme follows the year-round life of his farm. As the seasons change, there are changes in the vegetation, and the filmmaker contemplates his own relationship with his craft. On the journey into the secrets of ecological farming, Van Damme creates a serene and meditative space for the viewer’s own self-reflection.
Fabula Rasa 2022
wake yourself, goldfish
wake yourself, goldfish
a reflection of Syarif Husain’s past and future life*
wake yourself, goldfish 2022
Kristos, The Last Child
Kristos, The Last Child
Of the thirty inhabitants of Arki, a windswept island in Greece’ Dodecanese, Kristos is the last remaining child and the only student of the small elementary school. To finish compulsory education, he needs to leave Arki and move to a larger island. However, his family cannot afford this and his father wants him to become a shepherd like his older brothers. The child’s teacher, Maria, cannot accept this situation and is determined to find a solution to further his education. Will Kristos stay on the island or will he leave Arki to continue his education on the other side of the sea?
Kristos, The Last Child 2022
Why We Juggle
Why We Juggle
WHY WE JUGGLE is a portrait of six artists from all over the world and their motivations for juggling. Through juggling, individual worldwide conflicts are being told. For the protagonists, playing with gravity is a counterpart to their harsh realities and a way to escape them for a few moments.
Why We Juggle 2022
Sobre vivir
Sobre vivir
"Sobre vivir" is a documentary about suicide. It aims to make visible the problem and what it represents for a society like ours; it also aims to help break the taboo and stigma surrounding mental health and suicide. As it is a multifactorial issue, we wanted to make a photograph as complete as possible and we have testimonies from up to 60 people, including survivors, family members, psychologists, psychiatrists, associations, politicians and journalists. Some faces are familiar, but most of them are people who have told their story for the first time in this documentary. Suicide is a reflection of the society in which we live and its multiple problems: loneliness, precariousness, stress...
Sobre vivir 2022
Galactiques 2022
Lake Laram
Lake Laram
A quiet sunset gets interrupted by a couple of mosquitoes and a voice recording of a man listing the side effects of an infamous malaria medicine.
Lake Laram 2022
Le tour d'un monde
Le tour d'un monde
By his own admission, Damien Faure possesses an impressive quantity of images and films, sometimes exploited in other ways, sometimes simply left unused, and forgotten on film that was gathering dust. These archives have patiently waited to be brought back to life in this documentary, in which this travel-loving director presents an anthology of sequences shot in the four corners of the planet, from Japan to the Arctic, via India. Through the discovery of these stories collected here and there and then meticulously assembled, he wishes to offer a different vision of the contemporary world.
Le tour d'un monde 2022
Life With Death
Life With Death
Herb Weber, once a mortal man, has been Death Incarnate for the past 150 year's. Now with 5 year's left of his service to God, Herb has given up, now a drunken mess living in a North Bay trailer park.
Life With Death 2022
Walk with the Storm
Walk with the Storm
In a small town, the funeral of a matriarch brings about the reunion of family members, many returning to the village after leading new lives elsewhere, some no longer speaking the language of the native land. With the passage of time, the big clan becomes fragmented as members, like other modern Chinese in mainland China, face changes in lives, ideals, and family structures. The occasion becomes a hot ground for deals and negotiations that are inevitable amid the rapid development of China, where family members prosper while relationships become calculated. Still, a funeral procession amid an impending storm requires them, already down different paths, to walk together.
Walk with the Storm 2022
Fatos na Praça Cruz Vermelha
Fatos na Praça Cruz Vermelha
Some residents around Praça Cruz Vermelha report a succession of events in the square and what they hope for its future. Furthermore, the film rescues the historical part of the place, which goes from a hill, an esplanade and today a square in the Center of the City of Rio de Janeiro.
Fatos na Praça Cruz Vermelha 2022
See Me as I Am
See Me as I Am
Heart-warming youth film about family and friendship, about a young woman’s struggle to find her place in the world, despite her autism. ‘Just be yourself’, says Rima on her way into adulthood.
See Me as I Am 2022
Fortress Mariupol. Orest
Fortress Mariupol. Orest
From the beginning of the siege of Azovstal by the Russians the director had conversations with soldiers of the Azov Regiment, revealing their portraits. This film is dedicated to Dmytro Kozatsky with the call sign "Orest". Orest is a former liaison officer and head of the Azov Regiment's press service in Mariupol. Orest has been covering the world situation in Mariupol and at Azovstal since the beginning of the Russian invasion, and was in captivity at the time of the film's release.
Fortress Mariupol. Orest 2022
A Long Way
A Long Way
Moving from Siberia to the Baltic Sea makes the author look into family history. However, she not only has to dismantle family archives and look for lost relatives, but also face the tangled labyrinths of memory as such.
A Long Way 2022
La cité perdue d'Al Andalus
La cité perdue d'Al Andalus
La cité perdue d'Al Andalus 2022
After Life
After Life
Mette’s near-death experience was so overwhelming for her that she longs to return to understand it. Now she is trying to reconstruct it in virtual reality so she can share her experience with the world.
After Life 2022
Os Ossos da Saudade
Os Ossos da Saudade
A film about absence, narrated from the experiences of people who experience feelings of absence and distance, spread across Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde. The body, landscape, memory and time. Stories and places built with remembrance, oblivion and invention. A journey through the territories of memory, representation and belonging.
Os Ossos da Saudade 2022
Who Is Afraid Of Ideology? Part 4 Reverse Shot
Who Is Afraid Of Ideology? Part 4 Reverse Shot
A prospective wish is announced at the very beginning: "Imagine a land without ownership". Ownership? Since when? How? Where? With which implications? This is what Marwa Arsanios endeavours to discover in the fourth part of her meticulous ongoing project whose generic title is Who Is Afraid of Ideology? After documenting feminist experiments of community autonomy in Lebanon, Kurdistan and Syria (Who Is Afraid of Ideology? I&II, FID 2019), Marwa Arsanios ventures a hypothesis in the form of speculative fiction, from a remote piece of land in Lebanon, a cut in a stone quarry. In this small piece of land, a few sidekicks make that postulate, and slowly share stories of domination and exploitation. This land has a complicated administrative, legal, geological and biological history. (Nicolas Feodoroff - FIDMarseille)
Who Is Afraid Of Ideology? Part 4 Reverse Shot 2022
Fortress Mariupol. Intro
Fortress Mariupol. Intro
The capture of Mariupol by the Russian army was one of the tragic consequences of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine. A girl with the call sign "Nava", who worked in the press service of the Azov regiment and is in the besieged Azovstal by the invaders, reads her verse under documentary footage of evidence of the destruction of Mariupol by the Russians.
Fortress Mariupol. Intro 2022
The Last Days of August
The Last Days of August
Using the photo book aesthetic, filmmakers Rodrigo Ojeda-Beck and Robert Machoian explore some nearly abandoned prairie towns of Nebraska and meditate on the blurred lines between still photography and cinema.
The Last Days of August 2022
Who Am I?
Who Am I?
A short film that covers identity. Avant-garde, non-narrative.
Who Am I? 2022
Fog Door
Fog Door
A non narrative short film depiciting natural and industrial environments coexisting
Fog Door 2022
Ginataang Bangkalan
Ginataang Bangkalan
In a small town in Infanta Quezon, a group of friends tries to explore a mangrove swamp to catch and cook a famous delicacy called bangkalan or clam in English.
Ginataang Bangkalan 2022
Sergio Cortesi dedicated his life to solar observation. At the “Specola solare” in Locarno, between 1957 and 2021, he made over 15.000 sunspots drawings, driven by the faith of a monk to whom his own god never gave an answer.
Sonnenstube 2022
Legendär! Unsere Helden der 90er
Legendär! Unsere Helden der 90er
Legendär! Unsere Helden der 90er 2022
Le Croissant de feu
Le Croissant de feu
The destruction of the block of buildings named Gentianes in 2011 records the beginning of a new era for the Mourinoux neighborhood and its inhabitants. If they have to leave, where can they go? How to get there? Memories are shared and other places are imagined as conversations take place between a few young men born in the 1990s.
Le Croissant de feu 2022
A movie about my mom and dad (from mom's perspective).
12.mp4 2022
A New Earth Is Rising
A New Earth Is Rising
Our documentary, which basically focuses on the visual artists in the social context of 1970s, addresses the relationship between art and life of a specific era. During this era, a group of young artists, most of whom were the students of the atelier of Bedri Rahmi Eyüpoğlu and Neşet Günal, also the attendants of the State Academy of Fine Arts, had some critical discussions on the subjects of politics, art and aesthetic, alternative pursuits in the artistic arena, bringing forth many discussions.
A New Earth Is Rising 2022
Sneakers 2022
Там, где наш дом
Там, где наш дом
Each of the characters personifies different professions, cultures and outlooks on life, but they definitely agree on one thing - in the boundless love for the place in which they live.
Там, где наш дом 2022
Sawyer County, 2020
Sawyer County, 2020
This survey of a cross-section of Sawyer County, Wisconsin residents in the immediate runup to the 2020 presidential election reveals a lot about the state of the state and the ever-increasing divide between neighbors.
Sawyer County, 2020 2022