

QT8: The First Eight
QT8: The First Eight
A detailed account of the life and artistic career of legendary filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, from his early days as a video club manager to the scandalous fall in disgrace of producer Harvey Weinstein. A story about how to shoot eight great movies and become an icon of modern pop culture.
QT8: The First Eight 2019
This Changes Everything
This Changes Everything
An investigative look and analysis of gender disparity in Hollywood, featuring accounts from well-known actors, executives and artists in the Industry.
This Changes Everything 2019
Where's My Roy Cohn?
Where's My Roy Cohn?
Roy Cohn personified the dark arts of American politics, turning empty vessels into dangerous demagogues - from Joseph McCarthy to his final project, Donald J. Trump. This thriller-like exposé connects the dots, revealing how a deeply troubled master manipulator shaped our current American nightmare.
Where's My Roy Cohn? 2019
David Crosby: Remember My Name
David Crosby: Remember My Name
You thought you knew him. Meet David Crosby now in this portrait of a man with everything but an easy retirement on his mind. With unflinching honesty, self-examination, regret, fear, exuberance and an unshakable belief in family and the transformative nature of music, Crosby shares his often challenging journey.
David Crosby: Remember My Name 2019
The Rape of Recy Taylor
The Rape of Recy Taylor
Recy Taylor, a 24-year-old black mother and sharecropper, was gang raped by six white boys in 1944 Alabama. Common in Jim Crow South, few women spoke up in fear for their lives. Not Recy Taylor, who bravely identified her rapists. The NAACP sent its chief rape investigator Rosa Parks, who rallied support and triggered an unprecedented outcry for justice. The film exposes a legacy of physical abuse of black women and reveals Rosa Parks’ intimate role in Recy Taylor’s story.
The Rape of Recy Taylor 2019
Blue Note Records: Beyond the Notes
Blue Note Records: Beyond the Notes
Explore the vision behind the iconic American jazz record label. Since 1939, Blue Note artists have been encouraged to push creative boundaries in search of uncompromising expressions. Through current recording sessions, rare archive and conversations with iconic Blue Note artists, the film reveals an intimate perspective of a legacy that continues to be vital in today’s political climate.
Blue Note Records: Beyond the Notes 2019
The River and the Wall
The River and the Wall
Five friends embark on a 1,200 mile journey along the US-Mexico border from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico to learn first hand what effect a border wall will have on the natural landscape and the wild animals roaming the land.
The River and the Wall 2019
From massive waves to melting ice, filmmaker Victor Kossakovsky travels around the world to capture stunning images of the beauty and raw power of water.
Aquarela 2019
The Pickup Game
The Pickup Game
Generating over a billion dollars a year, the pickup industry is shocking, secretive and—to put it politely—scummy. Built upon myths and manipulation, expensive workshops and training videos push an agenda that women are biologically attracted to alpha males. If men can learn techniques to overcome their shyness and become socially dominant, they'll be 21st-century Casanovas. At least, that's what the brochure says. Ross Jeffries's 1992 self-published book How to Get the Women You Desire into Bed inspired a generation of macho men to push their techniques with aggressive online marketing. With insider access to the movement's founders and current leaders, this riveting exposé dismantles the "date and mate" methods hustled by modern snake-oil salesmen. From chat rooms to conference halls, these self-help-styled seminars are poised to take advantage of anyone desperate enough to fall for their dangerous promises.
The Pickup Game 2019
In a moving portrait of resilience, Alex Holmes chronicles the unprecedented journey of 24-year-old Tracy Edwards and the first all-female sailing crew to enter the Whitbread Round the World Race.
Maiden 2019
On June 17th, 2015, 21-year-old white supremacist Dylann Roof walked into a bible study and murdered nine African Americans during their closing prayer. This is the story of the victims and survivors of that night.
Emanuel 2019