Prime Video


Short Stories
Prime Video
Short Stories
A young writer brings a collection of short stories to a big Moscow publishing house. The manuscript stays at the office and mysteriously influences the lives of anyone who opens it and reads at least one page. There are four stories in the manuscript, and four readers whose lives are changed after reading them. The situations range from realistic to absurd to thrilling to create a rich portrait of life in contemporary Russia and showcase the thoughts, feelings and ambitions of people who live there.
Short Stories 2012
Stealing Paradise
Prime Video
Stealing Paradise
Amanda, a brilliant aeronautical engineer, is enraged when her breakthrough design is stolen and patented by her colleague Brendan. When he is found murdered, she becomes the prime suspect and soon finds she is not only fighting for her design - but fight for her life - as someone out there is determined to silence her protest for good.
Stealing Paradise 2012
The Odds
Prime Video
The Odds
A murder mystery set in the world of illegal teenage gambling. A 17-year old must find his best friends' killer before the game is exposed.
The Odds 2012
Travelling Salesman
Prime Video
Travelling Salesman
Four mathematicians are gathered and meet with a top official of the United States Department of Defense. After some discussion, the group agrees that they must be wary with whom to trust and control their solution. The official offers them a reward of $10 million in exchange for their portion of the algorithm, swaying them by attempting to address their concerns. Only one of the four speaks out against the sale, and in doing so is forced to reveal a dark truth about his portion of the solution. Before they sign a license to the government, however, they wrestle with the ethical consequences of their discovery. -- Wikipedia
Travelling Salesman 2012
Prime Video
A lonely musician's descent into the shadowy world of a living drug leads to a mysterious island where a battle of body and soul is waged.
Lowlife 2012
Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood
Prime Video
Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood
After selling his soul to a sorceress Robin is killed in battle. Distraught over these horrific turn of events Marian and Little John attempt to resuscitate Robin and his Merry Men. In doing so they inadvertently have turned the one-time heroes into the living dead and worse, the ghostly reincarnations are now hunting down Marian and Little John. So the pair attempt to seek out a new potion that will free these tormented souls from their demonic possession.
Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood 2012
Prime Video
A reclusive man is on the hunt for a vicious serial killer in neon-lit Berlin.
Yellow 2012
Prime Video
Traveling south to the coast through the remote Boanyoo Ranges, a group of friends encounter a stranger. Stopping to help they endure a shocking and unrelenting game of cat-and-mouse. They discover that nothing will ever be the same again.
Wrath 2012
Casualties of the State
Prime Video
Casualties of the State
A procedural drama in which the FBI and NSA are investigating the deaths of officials who turn out to be part of a cabal to incite and profit from a war between U.S.A. and Iran.
Casualties of the State 2012