

Turtle Power - The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Turtle Power - The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
In the spring of 1984, a strange new comic book sat beside cash registers in select shops, too big to fit in the racks, and too weird to ignore. Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles presented a completely original breed of super hero. It was too bizarre, too crazy. It broke all the rules and should never have worked. Until it sold out. Again and again and again. For 30 years. Now, peek under the shell and see how this so-called "happy accident" defied every naysayer to become one of the most popular and beloved franchises in the world.
Turtle Power - The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014
14-year-old Laura Dekker sets out on a two-year voyage in pursuit of her dream to become the youngest person ever to sail around the world alone.
Maidentrip 2014
The Hornet's Nest
The Hornet's Nest
Armed only with their cameras, Peabody and Emmy Award-winning conflict Journalist Mike Boettcher, and his son, Carlos, provide unprecedented access into the longest war in U.S. history.
The Hornet's Nest 2014
A documentary about the work and personality of artist David Hockney.
Hockney 2014
Top Spin
Top Spin
Three teenagers battle their way through the world of competitive ping pong with their hearts set on the Olympics.
Top Spin 2014
Shark Girl
Shark Girl
For 20-year-old Madison Stewart, nothing feels safer or more natural than diving straight into shark-infested waters. Since childhood, growing up by the Great Barrier Reef, she's treated these predators as family. But they're vanishing from existence, and because of their bad reputation, few people seem to care. Follow Madison on her mission to protect our sharks, a battle that began when she put her studies on hold, grabbed a camera, and set out to save these incredible, misunderstood creatures.
Shark Girl 2014
Asian Tsunami: The Deadliest Wave
Asian Tsunami: The Deadliest Wave
Re-examines the dramatic events of Boxing Day 2004, and investigates the new science of Tsunami forecasting.
Asian Tsunami: The Deadliest Wave 2014
Breath of Freedom
Breath of Freedom
In World War II. African-American GIs liberate Germany from Nazi rule while racism prevailed in their own army and home country. Returning home they continue fighting for their own rights in the civil rights movement.
Breath of Freedom 2014
Hitler's Riches
Hitler's Riches
How rich was Hitler really, and how did he waste his money, both while living and in his will?
Hitler's Riches 2014
Sacred Sites: Ireland
Sacred Sites: Ireland
Ireland's history is steeped in religion and mystery. Why did its people stop worshipping the earth 5,000 years ago? Did St. Patrick really act alone in converting the Irish to Christianity in the 5th century? Historians, astronomers, and other scientists believe answers to these and other questions lie in the stars. Discover the role that celestial occurrences have played in Irish religious beliefs and practices as we explore ancient hallowed sites and even the heavens above.
Sacred Sites: Ireland 2014
Blondie's New York and the Making of Parallel Lines
Blondie's New York and the Making of Parallel Lines
The story behind Blondie's album Parallel Lines, which sold 16 million copies and captured the spirit of 1970s New York at a time of poverty, crime and an exploding artistic life.
Blondie's New York and the Making of Parallel Lines 2014
How To Clone A Woolly Mammoth
How To Clone A Woolly Mammoth
The Siberian discovery of the best-preserved woolly mammoth on record has teams of experts working around the globe, and around the clock, on some of the most ambitious projects in science. In Russia, paleontologists are conducting a historic autopsy on the 40,000-year-old beast to find out how it lived, and how it died. Meanwhile labs in South Korea and at Harvard University are using the latest advances in DNA manipulation in hopes of cloning the furry giant and introducing it to the modern world.
How To Clone A Woolly Mammoth 2014
The Girl Who Talked to Dolphins
The Girl Who Talked to Dolphins
This is the story of the most extraordinary and audacious experiment in the history of animal science. It was carried out by visionary 1960s neuroscientist John Lilly, who had a remarkable ambition; to communicate with dolphins by teaching them to speak English. The experiment was seized upon by NASA, who were embarking on the first serious search for extra-terrestrial intelligence beyond the Earth. When they detected a signal from ET, they would need to understand how to communicate with a species other than humans. Here, without leaving the planet, was the opportunity to practice such inter-species communication. But what started with ‘60s idealism would spiral into the darkness of the decade, and end in tragedy, with rumours and scandal about drug abuse and a sexual relationship between Peter and Margaret. Fifty years on, this film tells the real story of just what happened at the Dolphin House.
The Girl Who Talked to Dolphins 2014
A Star-Spangled Story: Battle for America
A Star-Spangled Story: Battle for America
"The Star-Spangled Banner" is known by all, treasured for its powerful melody and stirring lyrics. And yet, only about 40% of U.S. citizens know all the words. And even fewer know their meaning. Join us as we travel back to 1814, when Washington D.C. was under British attack during the "Second War of Independence," and the very bricks and mortar of American democracy were reduced to smoking rubble. We examine the battle that inspired witness Francis Scott Key to immortalize its final moments, then reveal how his poem transformed into an anthem.
A Star-Spangled Story: Battle for America 2014
Cruise Ship Down: Saving Concordia
Cruise Ship Down: Saving Concordia
Relive the infamous 2012 shipwreck of the cruise ship Costa Concordia and follow the engineering feat to raise her.
Cruise Ship Down: Saving Concordia 2014
The Search for the Ocean's Super Predator
The Search for the Ocean's Super Predator
There's a mysterious predator lurking in the depths of Australia's wild Southern Ocean, a beast that savagely devoured a great white shark in front of cinematographer David Riggs 11 years ago. Riggs's obsession to find the killer leads him to an aquatic battle zone that's remained hidden until now. Here, killer whales, colossal squid and great white sharks face off in an underwater coliseum where only the fiercest creatures of the marine world survive.
The Search for the Ocean's Super Predator 2014