War & Politics

Popular War & Politics TV Shows

Harat Alsheikh
Harat Alsheikh
A folk tale in old Jeddah about two brothers, one went astray and followed a gang, the other followed the righteous path doing good deeds.
Harat Alsheikh 2016
Twin Moons
Twin Moons
In the year 2200 AD, the two major powers in the Earth's orbit, "Xuan Yue" and "Su Yue," ended their more than 50-year Cold War and were about to sign the "Dual Moon Peace Agreement." However, a series of terrorist attacks suddenly occurred in Xuan Yue's circular colonial city called "New Moon City," indicating that fragile human civilization is once again facing a great crisis.
Twin Moons 2016
The Seven Warring States Fan
The Seven Warring States Fan
The sudden technological civilization has shrouded the fog of war over the entire Kyushu continent, and the wonderful combination of magic and technology has become the kingly way to rule the world in the hearts of kings. However, the ancient talismans that have disappeared since ancient times, their mysterious power quietly controls the fate of the entire continent in the dark side of the dust of history.
The Seven Warring States Fan 2016
宜昌保卫战 2016
Step inside the world of historic Māori Warriors, Kairākau, as they each battle for life and death in this action drama series.
Kairākau 2016
大染坊续 2016
Betrayal of a Nation
Betrayal of a Nation
It is an Emirati drama that was shown in Ramadan 2016 taken from the novel "Ritaj" by the novelist Hamad Al Hammadi and produced by Abu Dhabi Media Company. The series talks about the organization of the Muslim Brotherhood and how it worked secretly within the joints of the state for many years. It also touches on the history of the organization and dives deep into the social life of its members, indicating the ideas they hold and the principles on which they are based.
Betrayal of a Nation 2016
WWII's Most Daring Raids
WWII's Most Daring Raids
They were U.S. paratroopers, Norwegian operatives, and British Commandos, Allied teams leading high-risk operations throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia to fight Hitler and turn the tide of the war. WWII's Most Daring Raids puts you in the heart of the action, giving you a minute-by-minute account of the most astonishing surprise attacks against the Third Reich. We forensically examine how exactly these assaults played out, through expert analysis and testimonies from the brave men who carried them out.
WWII's Most Daring Raids 2016
The Grey Wolves: Echoes from WWII
The Grey Wolves: Echoes from WWII
Grey Wolves captures life on board a U-boat, from the German perspective. First hand accounts in text, letters, diaries, journals, memoirs, relaying tales of the mundane and the routine, dramatic and heroic; the fear and resilience of every crew member, from Kapitainleutnant to Mechaniker. It is a vivid, brutally realistic portrait of the men who fought and died beneath the surface of the Atlantic in what was, perhaps, the most critical battle of the war.
The Grey Wolves: Echoes from WWII 2016
WWII Megaweapons
WWII Megaweapons
The series about World War II begins with a look at the defensive lines, bunkers and fortifications the Japanese built on the island of Okinawa.
WWII Megaweapons 2016
Scorched Earth WWII
Scorched Earth WWII
When the Nazis unleashed the 'Blitzkrieg', it was a kind of warfare the world had never witnessed before and immediately upended all traditional ideas of military strategy and tactics. Suddenly Europe and North Africa was reeling from this new type of combat and had to adapt quickly or suffer the consequences of Hitler's evil aims. Now, using ground-breaking graphics and state-of-the-art computer animation, as well as archival footage culled from Allied and Axis sources, the incredible initial successes of Hitler's seemingly unstoppable war machine are revealed and examined. Includes 'Hitler's Big Guns', 'Africa Korps', 'Infantry Firepower' and more!
Scorched Earth WWII 2016
The First War for Western Civilization
The First War for Western Civilization
The Greco-Persian War was pivotal in the creation of the modern world - yet all that is generally remembered are the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae. This documentary examines the whole history, from the Ionian Revolt (497BC) to the Peace of Callias (449BC), and also covers the legacies of the war - including Democracy.
The First War for Western Civilization 2016