
Popular Documentary Movies

Hubble's Cosmic Journey
Hubble's Cosmic Journey
This is your window into the universe… Hubble was launched in April 1990 on board Space Shuttle Discovery. Its release into orbit over 500km above the Earth marked the birth of one of humanity’s biggest dreams; to place a telescope into space, high above the obscuring effects of the atmosphere, to gain the clearest view of the cosmos we could hope to see. But in the months which followed it was clear that the dream had turned into a nightmare, as Hubble’s mirror was found to have a flaw. Three years of heartache and huge human resolve followed, to mount a rescue mission to fix the flaw. The results were breath taking and produced the most complete view of the Universe we’ve ever had. This is the story of the men and women who conceived, built, fixed and operated Hubble – the most celebrated science instrument in history.
Hubble's Cosmic Journey 2015
What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy
What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy
Can you imagine what it means to grow up as the child of a mass murderer? Hans Frank and Otto von Wächter were indicted as war criminals for their roles in WWII. Nazi Governors and consultants to Hitler himself, the two are collectively responsible for thousands of deaths. But what stood out to Philippe Sands were the impressions they left on their sons. While researching the Nuremberg trials, the human rights lawyer came across two men who re-focused his studies: Niklas Frank and Horst von Wächter. The men hold polar opposite views on the men who raised them.
What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy 2015
Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah Arendt
Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah Arendt
The life and work of German political philosopher of Jewish descent Hannah Arendt (1906-75), who caused a stir when she coined a subversive concept, the banality of evil, in her 1963 book on the trial of Nazi war criminal Adolph Eichmann (1906-62), held in Israel in 1961, which she covered for the New Yorker magazine.
Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah Arendt 2015
This real-life look at FBI counterterrorism operations features access to both sides of a sting: the government informant and the radicalized target.
(T)ERROR 2015
Murder Rap: Inside the Biggie and Tupac Murders
Murder Rap: Inside the Biggie and Tupac Murders
Two of the most notorious unsolved cases in the history of American crime – the murders of renowned rap stars Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls – have been the subject of exhaustive investigations, relentless speculation, and a web of conspiracy theories and dark secrets. Now, for the first time, the true story behind these sensational cases is laid bare in "Murder Rap: Inside the Biggie and Tupac Murders". Using information sourced from hundreds of police case files, taped confessions never shown before, and interviews with the lead detective and witnesses, this is the riveting account of the task force that finally exposed the shocking truth behind the deaths of these two rap music icons.
Murder Rap: Inside the Biggie and Tupac Murders 2015
Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton
Prime Video
Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton
One of the most significant UFO events in history -- Travis Walton's 1975 UFO experience comes alive in this 90-minute documentary. His trauma and transition after a mysterious beam of light strikes him unconscious.
Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton 2015
The Day the Sun Fell
The Day the Sun Fell
Tracing the past of her deceased grandfather who worked as a young doctor in the Red Cross hospital of HirSwiss-Japanese filmmaker Aya Domenig, the granddaughter of a doctor on duty during the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima, approaches the experience of her deceased grandfather by tracing the lives of a doctor and of former nurses who once shared the same experience. While gathering the memories and present views of these last survivors, the nuclear disaster in Fukushima strikes and history seems to repeat itself.oshima after the atomic bomb was dropped over the city, the filmmaker encounters doctors and nurses who went through similar experiences to his at the time. Right up until his death in 1991, her grandfather was never able to speak about his experiences, but the formidable stories and openness of her protagonists bring her closer to his past.
The Day the Sun Fell 2015
Joe, Tomorrow
Joe, Tomorrow
Junji Sakamoto's documentary follows legendary boxing champ Joichiro over 20 years, from the ages 25 to 44. In a series of meetings, like the 7 Up series, Sakamoto conducts intimate interviews with Tatsuyoshi. Narrated by actor Etsushi Toyokawa.
Joe, Tomorrow 2015
Trans*BUT — Fragments of Identity
Trans*BUT — Fragments of Identity
Fragmentary perspectives on Human Rights and transgender (trans*) People in Turkey. What remains at the place where a murder happened? What constitutes trans* life? How to cope with daily violence and hatred? We begin to search for traces. We follow the tracks of resistance and survival. We are collectors of the expelled. We gather fragments of trans* lives inspired by texts of Nazim Hikmet, Foucault, Benjamin and Zeki Müren. Trans*BUT is a documental research study driven by the question: “What keeps you going when all else falls away?”
Trans*BUT — Fragments of Identity 2015
Atomic: Living in Dread and Promise
Atomic: Living in Dread and Promise
Using only archive film and a new musical score by the band Mogwai, Mark Cousins presents an impressionistic kaleidoscope of our nuclear times – protest marches, Cold War sabre-rattling, Chernobyl and Fukishima – but also the sublime beauty of the atomic world, and how x-rays and MRI scans have improved human lives. The nuclear age has been a nightmare, but dreamlike too.
Atomic: Living in Dread and Promise 2015
Sleaford Mods: Invisible Britain
Sleaford Mods: Invisible Britain
Sleaford Mods - Invisible Britain shows the most exciting and uncompromising British band in years sticking two fingers up to the zeitgeist and articulating the rage and desperation of those without a voice in austerity Britain. The film follows Sleaford Mods on a tour of the UK in the run up to the 2015 General Election, visiting the neglected, broken down and boarded up parts of the country that many would prefer to ignore. Part band doc, part look at the state of the nation, the documentary features individuals and communities attempting to find hope among the ruins, against a blistering soundtrack by Sleaford Mods.
Sleaford Mods: Invisible Britain 2015
French Bashing
French Bashing
Lazy, idle, effeminate, strikers from father to son : French stereotypes are doing well. Anglo-Saxons, very especially fond of these preconceived ideas, take delight in disseminate them accross the world. Political and cultural realms particularly adore it. Concerned about reflecting a positive image abroad, politicians do their best today for their country to regain prestige. Decoding "French Bashing" diplomatic role and consequences.
French Bashing 2015
The story of Jaco Pastorius, a self-taught, larger-than-life musician who single-handedly changed the course of modern music by redefining the sound and the role of the electric bass guitar. Never-before-seen 8mm film, photographs, and audio recordings unveil the true story behind the legend of Jaco’s life, his music, and his heartbreaking end.
Jaco 2015
Dawg Fight
Dawg Fight
In a crime-plagued neighborhood near Miami, brutal, bare-knuckled backyard fights give young men a chance to earn money -- and self-respect.
Dawg Fight 2015
The Birth of Saké
The Birth of Saké
Through the unrelenting winter in the north of Japan, a small group of workers must brave unusual working conditions to bring to life a 2,000-year-old tradition known as sake. A cinematic documentary, The Birth of Sake is a visually immersive experience of an almost-secret world in which large sacrifices must be made for the survival of a time-honored brew.
The Birth of Saké 2015
Tyke Elephant Outlaw
Tyke Elephant Outlaw
This is the gripping and emotionally charged story of Tyke, a circus elephant that went on a rampage in Honolulu in 1994, killed her trainer in front of thousands of spectators and died in a hail of gunfire. Her break for freedom - filmed from start to tragic end - traumatised a city and ignited a global battle over the use of animals in the entertainment industry. Looking at what made Tyke snap, the film goes back to meet the people who knew her and were affected by her death - former trainers and handlers, circus industry insiders, witnesses to her rampage, and animal rights activists for whom Tyke became a global rallying cry. Like the classic animal rebellion film King Kong, Tyke is the central protagonist in a tragic but redemptive drama that combines trauma, outrage, insight and compassion. Ultimately, this moving documentary raises fundamental questions about our deep and mysterious connection to other species.
Tyke Elephant Outlaw 2015
Joanna Lumley: Elvis and Me
Joanna Lumley: Elvis and Me
Joanna Lumley travels to the USA to follow in the King of Rock 'n' Roll's footsteps.
Joanna Lumley: Elvis and Me 2015
Urban Cowboy: The Rise and Fall of Gilley's
Urban Cowboy: The Rise and Fall of Gilley's
A chronicle of the cultural phenomenon sparked by the 1980 film Urban Cowboy and its inspiration, Gilley's.
Urban Cowboy: The Rise and Fall of Gilley's 2015
Bikes vs Cars
Bikes vs Cars
Bikes vs Cars depicts a global crisis that we all deep down know we need to talk about: Climate, earth's resources, cities where the entire surface is consumed by the car. An ever-growing, dirty, noisy traffic chaos. The bike is a great tool for change, but the powerful interests who gain from the private car invest billions each year on lobbying and advertising to protect their business. In the film we meet activists and thinkers who are fighting for better cities, who refuse to stop riding despite the increasing number killed in traffic.
Bikes vs Cars 2015
Larry Kramer In Love & Anger
Larry Kramer In Love & Anger
From the onset of the AIDS epidemic, author Larry Kramer emerged as a fiery activist, an Old Testament-style prophet full of righteous fury who denounced both the willful inaction of the government and the refusal of the gay community to curb potentially risky behaviors. Co-founder of both organization Gay Men's Health Crisis and the direct action protest group ACT UP, Kramer was vilified by some who saw his criticism to be an expression of self-hatred, while lionized by others who credit him with waking up the gay community — and, eventually, the government and medical establishment — to the devastation of the disease.
Larry Kramer In Love & Anger 2015
Génération Star Academy - Retour sur un phénomène
Génération Star Academy - Retour sur un phénomène
Génération Star Academy - Retour sur un phénomène 2015
Attenborough's Paradise Birds
Attenborough's Paradise Birds
David Attenborough tells the remarkable story of how these " birds of paradise " have captivated explorers , naturalists, artists, filmmakers and even royalty.
Attenborough's Paradise Birds 2015
The Visit: An Alien Encounter
Prime Video
The Visit: An Alien Encounter
“This film documents an event that has never taken place…” With unprecedented access to the United Nations’ Office for Outer Space Affairs, leading space scientists and space agencies, The Visit explores humans’ first encounter with alien intelligent life and thereby humanity itself. “Our scenario begins with the arrival. Your arrival.”
The Visit: An Alien Encounter 2015
How Gay Is Pakistan?
Prime Video
How Gay Is Pakistan?
A documentary which explores the lives of gay people and the challenges they face in Pakistan, a country whose laws explicitly outlaw homosexuality.
How Gay Is Pakistan? 2015
Soaring Highs and Brutal Lows: The Voices of Women in Metal
Soaring Highs and Brutal Lows: The Voices of Women in Metal
Celebrates the stories of eight female vocalists in the heavy metal genre. Through personal interviews, behind the scenes insights, and concert footage, these women describe in their own words, their choices, their lives, and the hardships and triumphs of being center stage in what is widely perceived as a male-dominated music scene.
Soaring Highs and Brutal Lows: The Voices of Women in Metal 2015
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales takes audiences to Alaska, Hawaii and the Kingdom of Tonga for a close-up look at how these whales communicate, sing, feed, play and take care of their young. Humpbacks were nearly driven to extinction 50 years ago, but today are making a steady recovery. Join a team of researchers as they explore what makes humpbacks the most acrobatic of all whales, why only the males sing, and why these intelligent 50-foot, 48-ton animals migrate more than 6,000 miles round-trip every year.
Humpback Whales 2015
Anno-san and Our Reckless Challenge: Japan Animator Expo
Anno-san and Our Reckless Challenge: Japan Animator Expo
A documentary about Hideaki Anno's project, Japan Animator Expo.
Anno-san and Our Reckless Challenge: Japan Animator Expo 2015
Mindfulness: Be Happy Now
Mindfulness: Be Happy Now
Mindfulness is the art of simply being present. From Oprah to Phil Jackson to Anderson Cooper, it's an art practiced by some of the world's most successful people. Brought to the west by Zen Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh, who was once nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., mindfulness has recently gained mainstream popularity in both the media and in mental health treatment. This film features insights from Deepak Chopra, Thich Nhat Hanh, Sharon Stone, Oliver Stone, Cesar Milan, and many more. Watch it and learn how to embrace mindfulness in your own life!
Mindfulness: Be Happy Now 2015
/misplay (Episode 1: A Scantily Clad Parade of Orcs and Trolls in World of Warcraft)
/misplay (Episode 1: A Scantily Clad Parade of Orcs and Trolls in World of Warcraft)
/misplay was a performance made in collaboration with Andre Faupel, Ashin Mandal, Ephraim Schott, Hagen Hiller, Marina Belikova, Meike Halle and Mihail Mihaylov. It was created in conjunction with a course I taught at Bauhaus University called Collaboratively Choreographed Online Interventions through which I worked with students to stage gestural performances in a number of different multi user digital environments.
/misplay (Episode 1: A Scantily Clad Parade of Orcs and Trolls in World of Warcraft) 2015
Hell on Earth: The Story of Hellraiser III
Hell on Earth: The Story of Hellraiser III
"The Story of Hellrasier III" offers a half-hour discussion of the overhaul involved in the making of the delayed third film in the Hellraiser franchise, in which a cult horror format was consciously transformed into a mass-market product with an eye on the teen market and a sense of disappointment from the British crew of the first two films. - Frank Harrison
Hell on Earth: The Story of Hellraiser III 2015
Thank You, Del: The Story of the Del Close Marathon
Thank You, Del: The Story of the Del Close Marathon
Del Close was never a household name, but any comedy enthusiast is aware of his impact. From Bill Murray to Chris Farley to Amy Poehler, many of the most famous comedians consider him their mentor. Fifteen years after Del Close’s death, thousands of Improv students, comedy fans, actors, and successful comedians gather to celebrate the most important person in modern comedy that no one knows.
Thank You, Del: The Story of the Del Close Marathon 2015
Storm in the Andes
Storm in the Andes
Josephine has all her life been told that her Peruvian aunt Augusta died in an armed struggle for the rights of the poor. As an adult Josefin decides to find out the truth about the legendary Augusta.
Storm in the Andes 2015
Taking bribes and making deals is as essential as being a good rider in the Palio, the world’s oldest horse race. Giovanni, a young jockey, is up to the challenge when he faces his former mentor on the track. What ensues is a thrilling battle with the intoxicating drama that is at the center of Italian tradition.
Palio 2015
Jupiter Ascending Genetically Spliced
Jupiter Ascending Genetically Spliced
Talking Heads short discussing the creature design of splices from Jupiter Ascending.
Jupiter Ascending Genetically Spliced 2015
The Other Side
Prime Video
The Other Side
In an invisible territory at the margins of society, at the border between anarchy and illegality, lives a wounded community that is trying to respond to a threat: of being forgotten by political institutions and having their rights as citizens trampled. Disarmed veterans, taciturn adolescents, drug addicts trying to escape addiction through love, ex-special forces soldiers still at war with the world, floundering young women and future mothers, and old people who have not lost their desire to live. Through this hidden pocket of humanity, the door opens to the abyss of today's America.
The Other Side 2015
Democracy - Im Rausch der Daten
Democracy - Im Rausch der Daten
Digitalization has changed society. While data is becoming the "new oil", data protection is becoming the new "pollution control". This creative documentary opens an astonishing inside view into the lawmaking milieu on EU level. A compelling story of how a group of politicians try to protect todays society against the impact of Big Data and mass surveillance.
Democracy - Im Rausch der Daten 2015
Licence to Krill
Licence to Krill
In February 2013 a film crew led by documentary filmmaker David Sington will leave Montevideo in Uruguay for a voyage across the South Atlantic into the stormiest waters on Earth. Their destination will be a rendezvous with the Saga Sea, a high-technology trawler operating in the Antarctic Ocean. It will be a voyage to the latest and possibly last frontier between industrial civilization and the natural world, in search of a mysterious sea creature which for decades has held the promise of transforming human nutrition: krill. Could the exploitation of krill improve diet across the globe, or will it simply lead to the collapse of one of the most important ecosystems on the planet?
Licence to Krill 2015
Gabo: The Creation of Gabriel García Márquez
Gabo: The Creation of Gabriel García Márquez
How did a boy from a humble town on the Caribbean coast become a famous writer who won the hearts of millions of people, from the poorest to the most powerful ones? The answer to this question is the amazing story of Gabriel “Gabo” García Márquez (1927-2014), winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982 and probably the best writer in Spanish since Miguel de Cervantes.
Gabo: The Creation of Gabriel García Márquez 2015
Theory of Obscurity: A Film About the Residents
Theory of Obscurity: A Film About the Residents
Theory of Obscurity tells the story of the renegade sound and video collective known as The Residents…a story that spans 40 years and is clouded in mystery. Many details surrounding the group are secret, including the identities of its members. They always perform wearing masks and costumes, which is part of their magic. At its heart, this story is about perseverance and chasing your dream. The Residents never caved to convention. They never compromised. They’ve followed their muse for decades and thousands of fans have hung on for the ride. Along the way they’ve also inspired many people to be weird, take chances and find their own voice.
Theory of Obscurity: A Film About the Residents 2015
Violetta: The Journey
Violetta: The Journey
Violetta: The Journey 2015