
May. 03,2011      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A horrifying excursion into black magic and white-knuckled terror! A conjure man (Lucien Eisenach) has moved into town with a big bag of tricks and a short temper. Unwittingly, Emily (Donna Hamblin) crosses his path and provokes his wrath. As the nightmare of his curse progresses, Emily enlists the aid of her brother (Donny Versiga) to find out what's happening and try to reverse the hex before it's too late!

Lucien Eisenach as  Ghost Hunter
Brianna Barnes as  Jacob Randall


Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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samson knight

So in the first 10 minutes I got the feeling I might be watching a low budget horror porn film and got a bit excited. However I was disappointed. Soon I found myself oddly watching through the rest of this hoping it might be some horror film gem, but realized by the end I wasted a good hour of my life. I don't know if women take baths like in the opening death scene, but wow that was a pretty erotic bath for one woman. Then comes Donna Hamblin. Why is it that she has the worst/funniest/oddest reactions to things that would make a normal human being scream or yell? Why is it that she looks so awkward driving in her car when the audience doesn't even know a single thing about her? From the get go all we know by watching is that there is this woman (Donna) driving a car and she just has this odd awkwardness to her that made me feel as if I should not really care if she should be the target of voodoo or murder in the first place. Not unlikeable, but not worth liking in my opinion. Lets just say that if this was her in real life she'd be loosing friends on Facebook.Next comes more silly moments where she has this non yelling sort of frozen reaction to dreams she has. (If I saw a bunch of roaches in my bed I AM JUMPING OUT OF IT.) Mix that with a bunch of random driving scenes of her hipster/emo son and a Chris angel mind freak cemetery scene you have all the settings for a bad horror film that leaves you wondering why.Im not saying don't watch, but I will say you have been warned. 2 stars for naked bathtub girl exfoliating like a porn star!

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After reading the scathing (and amusing) review of slatromhsiloof, I had to watch this movie. Actually, I didn't find it all that bad, well, it was watchable. I would stop the movie from time to time but found that I kept going back and watching some more. Camera was obviously hand held a lot of the time and editing left something to be desired with scenes jumping around however I didn't find the acting all that bad. If you're looking for bad acting and dialog that is unbearable, even more so than Manos or Plan 9, try watching Birdemic: Shock and Terror.OK, the movie is not that good, but it is worth a watch.

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Obviously LOW LOW budget video. Not worth a watch by any means, total waste of time. Not even good enough for public access television. If someone offers you this video for free, decline it. Not worth the energy to carry it from your car to your house. Was more entertaining in the microwave than in the DVD player (try it). No-name actors put out horrendous "performances". I've seen better acting in a kindergarten Christmas play. If you see 10,000 movies this year, make sure this isn't one of them. If someone had given me the money it took to produce this film I would have bought a pizza instead. This is the kind of video that gets actors noticed, as in "I noticed how bad your acting was in this video and I'll never hire you." noticed. I was not even able to finish watching this movie because it was making me physically ill. It always makes me wonder what kind of idiot would finance these garbage movies. Do yourself a favor and stay far away from this horrible movie. Stay home and watch reruns of Three's Company instead. At least that garbage is survivable.

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Chris Mackey (guestar57)

Stars : Donna Hamblin & Lucien Eisenach. Written and Directed by: Steve Sessions. Film is incredible in execution ( pun intended). Setting is mostly a haunting house,But not confined to that…Lots of car footage and a very cool grave yard scene. Donna Hamblin is perfect linchpin of a leading lady,She is a definite go-to for any film. Lucien Eisenach has a persona perfect for a witch doctor or one who dabbles in black arts,Great celebrity look this side of Criss Angel. Monster was a nice touch,Maybe alittle stiff.THE CAR,There is this Golden Hearse that Lucien drives quite an awe-worthy site up there with famous scary cars with bigger budgets. Early murders made snse and yet were senseless,Know what we mean ?

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