Nocturne Six

April. 26,2014      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A prime-time network news magazine show premieres controversial leaked footage from a highly-classified U.S. government program named Nocturne Six that recruits citizens with extrasensory abilities. Forced into the program by unscrupulous means, these gifted, yet apprehensive citizens, known as "guardians", are sent to parallel planes of Earth in order to thwart imminent attacks by dangerous supernatural entities. A live investigation by the news show at the abandoned site of the Nocturne Six program quickly devolves and exposes the unearthly evils that the guardians faced in their treacherous missions.



A Major Disappointment

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When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

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Andariel Halo

This one is a very fragile idea, with a seemingly complicated plot that could be executed phenomenally. This film failed miserably. Using the framing device of a cable news expose', we're told of a CIA program using people with psychic abilities of some sort being teleported to alternate "planes of existence" to stop evil inhuman creatures from trying to invade our plane of existence. We follow a mission that ended in abysmal failure and led to the entire program's cancellation, via camera footage taken by the psychic teens themselves and in the facility from the handlers. Right away the first failing of the film is how it actually handles the alternate planes of existence and how to put the people in them. They don't do anything original or interesting; the teens go to sleep with electrodes on their head, and basically "dream" everything. Almost to a person, the acting is among the absolute worst I've ever seen, even reaching the level of middle schoolers sight-reading Shakespeare in first year English. EVERYONE is at their absolute worst, delivering lines like they're reading them for the first time ever and essentially guessing as to the context or tone of them.there are two of CIA handlers voices, Alpha and Delta. The voice of Delta is literally someone putting on the most cartoonishly over the top "redneck" accent they can muster while still sounding serious, and Alpha sounds like a 15 year old reading lines from an NPC in a poorly written RPG game.Speaking of NPCs in poorly written RPG games, at one point for seemingly no reason at all, we get an audio clip of a "resident mortician" from the alternate plane, and to call what he did "acting" is to call smeared fish guts baked into concrete by the sun "gourmet sushi". Apparently drawing their inspiration from Vincent Price, they give a painfully bland monologue describing some manner of creature eating corpses in a funeral home with the sort of purple prose of a drunken teenager mockingly imitating Edgar Allen Poe. It is the epitome of every bad "creepy sinister old man" NPC voice in every poorly written computer RPG voiced by one of the production assistants with no acting experience at all. Virtually every aspect of this short, short film is an abject failure. The story is incoherent and constantly interrupted by Beavis and Butthead (Alpha and Delta) droning moronically like pubescent teenagers trying to scare children with deep, ultra serious voices. All the video footage is heavily grained and distorted, the CG effects for the monsters literally look like they were made in MS Paint, and the sound mixing is some of the absolute worst of any movie I've ever heard, with some characters sounding like they have microphones, and others not. Some lines are barely audible, then other lines, usually curse words, are ear-splittingly loud, sometimes in the same sentence. Nothing in this film went right. The writing, the acting, the visual effects, even the most basic stuff like sound. All of it failed abysmally, to such a colossal degree that, seeing positive reviews of this film praising the visual effects, of all things, genuinely makes me think those reviews are planted by the filmmakers. And I have almost never come across a movie review I have suspected of being a fake.

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I hail from Portugal and I do not scare easy. I have watched quite a few horror movies in my day, especially growing up overseas I was privileged to my beloved Alfred Hitchcock. There are corny scary movies and then there are intelligent scary films, Nocturne Six qualifies, at least in my book as one of those films. Original and rather unique I feel. I can't imagine how anybody could rate this movie anything below a three, that's just plain stupid and downright obnoxious.Here in Portugal, our movies aren't like those of the United States, but we do have a lot of independent filmmakers here, and I feel that today, people need to give independent films a chance. After all, we won't be seeing the movies of yesteryear pushing the quintessential $60million or above to make anymore, unless of course you happen to read the Marvel Comics or love those types of films and whatnot.I view Nocturne Six as the next up and coming great piece in a line of "untapped" film genius.

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This movie had a nice look to it and the VFX were pretty awesome. The events that transpired definitely took me into the story. There were some really effective scares in here. And when the monster starts appearing, even in brief flashes, it really scared the sh** out of me, and I normally don't startle that easily. So congrats to these folks for achieving that with me.It seems like one of those "love it or hate it" kind of films, and I guess I would fall into the category of finding it entertaining and decently scary. The filmmakers did a good job a creating an eerie mood that drove each moment of the plot. I also see the potential for sequels here as well.

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On its surface, "Nocturne Six" seems like your typical horror film with the usual story and characters you'd come to expect in the genre. However, I was pleasantly surprised to be thrown into a gritty docu-style deconstruction of a disturbing government conspiracy involving a dark military science program.The imagery was really haunting and the film almost felt like diving into someone's subconscious to experience a vivid nightmare. The filmmakers did an extraordinary job both creatively and technically on a small budget. Overall, this was a nice, fun movie to catch on a dark Saturday night. I was quite stunned to be as entertained as I was by it.And the image of that creature will forever be stuck in my mind.....

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