
August. 25,1977      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

The life and works of 19th-century circuit rider Robert S. Sheffey.


Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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Both my Grandfather and Great-Grandfather were circuit-riding preachers in Pioneer Florida and Georgia. This film was produced at Bob Jones University just before I became a student there. Many of the people in the film were students and faculty members, and several are my friends. What an encouraging and inspiring story of prayer and ministry. Watching it again with my youngest son. Great memories! :)

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This is a truly wonderful movie. It really tells me how my great,great,great grandfather was and how he helped people. But I only wished that it had a little more to do with his first wife. There is a lot of descendants from his first wife out here and we just wished it had some of our heritage in it also. But besides that it was a very good movie. He was a spectacular man. I just wished there were still good people out there in the world today. He was a very honorable man in my part of the woods, and I am very proud to be kin to him. I also went to a school that is named after him, if that doesn't tell you he was a good man I don't know what will.

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For a family-safe film showing the gospel and Christian values espoused by our forefathers, this movie is great. It was produced in 1977 by Unusual Films at Bob Jones University, at that time one of the top three films schools in the nation. Although by current standards some effects are a bit cheesy, the story stands strong.The story is to show how one man, looking for something he is missing, finds God and then finds that not all "Christians" act like one. Like many older sawdust trail preachers, he did what he was led to do and in turn touched lives all across the United States. This is his story, and the issues he had over the years as he watched those with learning try to tear down the Bible. The new DVD version has an interesting making-of documentary that shows how the movie came about, its filming, the special effects, and shows how God blessed this movie all through its filming. For example, at the revival at the campground, some of those coming forward were not acting.All in all, highly recommended. It is a good period piece filmed in beautiful scenery with humor and pathos, and strongly presents the gospel - but not watered down.

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There are certain people that will not "get" this movie.People that do not understand that there are values that endure past generations.People that do not understand how precious it is when someone is able to look past the values of his generation and see the Eternal.People that are looking for Hollywood-type action and editing.Others will be able to rejoice in the truth, and enjoy the way God was able to do great things with a simple man that was just willing and obedient. May we have more Sheffeys in our world today! May be have the good sense to listen to the Sheffeys we have.

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