America's Heart and Soul

July. 04,2004      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Filmmaker Louis Schwartzberg hits the road to capture America's people and its natural beauty. sea to shining sea, from amber waves of grain to purple mountain majesties, it's not merely the land that makes America beautiful -- it's her people. Captured with stunning cinematography, AMERICA'S HEART & SOUL takes you on a journey that weaves across this great nation, revealing a rich tapestry of ordinary people living extraordinary lives as they follow their dreams with the freedom of spirit that's uniquely American. From the Vermont dairy farmer, to the blind mountain climber, to the father and son marathon runners, their inspiring stories are as different as can be -- passionate, colorful, courageous, funny, touching.



Why so much hype?

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People are voting emotionally.

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Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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IMDb voters gave this a movie a 4.3 out of 10. Looking at the breakdown, you'll see that a majority of voters gave it a "1" - my guess is that very few of these voters actually saw the movie. The second largest group gave it a 10.The movie skates across the country, interviewing dozens of average people doing the mundane and the marvelous. We meet a 70-year old oil field firefighter, a coal miner, a bicycle messenger, a vineyard owner... and so on. The cinematography is at times sumptuous and breathtaking with a great music track. The movie moves. It never gets boring and is almost always inspirational.This movie remains on my TIVO and I watch it frequently.It is a celebration of freedom and individuality. It may be titled "America's Heart and Soul" - but it could have been titled "Humankind's Heart and Soul" because it's a celebration of what's great about all of us - wherever we live.

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This is a great documentary. The losers who claim it is an antidote or a wannabe of Farenheit 911 do not realize this film was started years before Michael Moore ever squatted to crap out his latest propaganda. It surprises me there are so many fools out there that truly do hate America and what makes America great. They will not love this country until it becomes another Eurotrash country of Socialism and no morals.Most of us who live in flyover areas of this country do love America and realize that Capitalism works for everyone except low life leeches.Most of you should know this documentary is worth seeing and will be enjoyed by everyone except the most Liberal "commies".

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A bunch of archtypal moments enlivened by hopelessly square and outdated bromides. No amount of personal interest stories can reverse the damage being done to the U.S. by Bush and the hopeless greed of late capitalism.. America the place where you can't afford health care, and corporate a**holes are shaking you down on every front? The land where conservatives despise the constitution? The land in which racial tension has played out for two hundred and thirty years? The land where douchebags like Rush Limbaugh, President Bush and Bill O'Reilly have trained you to despise anyone who thinks, and have helped partisan conflict rage. None of that exists.One guy here talks about diversity, which is a sick racist joke because black people are almost absent in the film. This is of course because when you think of classic cornball Americana moments (which blank the minds of middle class white people) none of the participants are black. Cowboys? nope! Folk groups? nope! Hay rides? nope! Mountain climbing? nope! Black people should just be happy that white people can strive and achieve things, and sit quietly as they're excluded again.Don't question the countries slide into the crapper - The president needs all the thoughtless supporters he can get. This is the Ex-Lax of non-fiction film.

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I just got back from the premiere of America's Heart & Soul. It wasn't particularly high on my priority list of films to see this summer, but oh, what I would have missed, had I not gone. I was expecting something along the lines of the old Circle-Vision travelogues at Disneyland, but this film is nothing like that. It's funny and heartwarming, beautiful and inspirational. I didn't want it to end.Whatever your politics are, put them aside and go see this film. You'll leave with a sense of pride for who we are as Americans at our best. But there's no flag waving going on, just simple vignettes of Americans of all walk of life doing what they love. People like us.

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