We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook

November. 30,2014      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A documentary promoting the theory alleging that the Sandy Hook incident was a hoax designed to increase popular support for gun control.

Mike Huckabee as  

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Fresh and Exciting

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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.

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Don't watch this. If you do, you're just helping contribute to the disgusting, subhuman harassment of the victims of the Sandy Hook tragedy. It's a sad fact that there are people out here in the US who are so depraved that they deny the murder of children and send death threats - yes, death threats- to the parents of those children. These people accuse the surviving family members of the Sandy Hook victims of being actors and continue to make an unimaginable tragedy even worse for these people.This amateur video is simply more of the same perpetuation of conspiracy theories that lead sick individuals to behave in the way I mentioned above. Don't be a part of it. Be better than that. Be a human being.

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Everyone needs to watch this documentary, it shows the facts and exposes the many holes in the Sandy Hook 'massacre'. This is completely backed up by cold hard evidence, and I'd personally like to see hard evidence of an actual shooting that happened on that day. Every other school shooting that has transpired in the past has came with many surveillance tapes of the perpetrators, and real evidence. This documentary shines a spotlight on the many inconsistencies that are so obvious when you actually take your time to look into this yourself. Don't only watch this, research into it for yourself- it is something that once you see simply cannot be denied.

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I began researching this SH project in Jan 2013 after reading professor James Tracy's blog, The Memory Hole all it took to convince me something was wrong was the piece he did where he simply put up the press conference of the Chief State Medical Examiner of Connecticut. No professional unless drugged or under a gag order would act like that. I mean, really? What coroner laughs throughout a press conference involving 28 deaths including the shooter and his mother. A father who never comes forward to offer a public apology, no press anywhere in the universe wants to interview this man? That is absurd! They spoke with John Hinkley's parents, Jeffery Dalmer's Ted Bundy's every serial killer they have interviewed the parents to get insight into the mind of a serial killer but for some reason, no journalist is interested, not even Oprah. This is so unnatural it causes one to suspend their reality to believe one second of this garbage. Good job for bringing this to America's much needed attention. We are losing our country, can't this be evident to everyone by now?

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Excellent documentary which can not be debunked.The absolute proof of Sandy Hook being a staged event is that ALL first responders failed in their oaths' to administer first aid to any victims. CPR and other life saving techniques are an obligation and most of the victims should have been triaged and taken to area hospitals for further attempts at saving lives.Because that did NOT happen ALL first responders at Sandy Hook that day were grossly negligent in the performance of their mandatory duties. There should have been many first responders charged with criminal negligence causing death. They can not stand down when on scene with victims.It really is that simple and with zero parents questioning the zero attempts at immediate first aid and/or ambulance transport to life saving trauma centers is the WTC 7 of Sandy Hook.Good Samaritan laws also require civilians to perform first aid according to any first aid training they may have.No Trauma Helicopters or Ambulatory transfers or attempts to administer first aid = No real victims.And considering the magnitude of donations solicited over this fraud charges of treason should be laid all the way to Washington DC.

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