Expiration Date

January. 01,2006      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Charlie Silvercloud III lives with the family curse, on his fathers and grandfathers 25th birthday they were killed by a milk truck. It is now Charlies turn.

Sascha Knopf as  Bessie
Ned Romero as  Old Native Man
Nakotah LaRance as  Native Teen
Dee Wallace as  Lucille
Eric Johnson as  Animal Control Officer #2
Jeff Steitzer as  Plot Salesman


Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Excellent, Without a doubt!!

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Am i the only one who thinks........Average?

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KC Quinn

Light, refreshing, different from the same old same old same old stuff out there.Does definitely stand on the threshold of black comedy.Much more than what I expected upon movie start up.My suggestion? Give it a chance it picks up quickly and keeps you captured.Don't know what else to say - I love being succinct; however, some sites do not believe in brevity...there must be a reason so I follow the rules.Do yourself a favour, if you want a 'feel great after watching movie'....this is one of the few I have come across....good, clean, a bit dark and different. Loved it!!!

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A film with a core idea that should work but really just doesn't. This film has all the ambition of a quirky indie comedy and especially reminds me of garden state but really lacks the finesse. Its very much a film that suffers from poor direction, editing and some bizarre sound. The way the sound has been mixed on this film is really quite bizarre with the dialogue sounding almost dubbed in due to the lack of atmosphere sound and over use of soundtrack which with a guess is down to the use of radio Mic's over a boom leaving us with to clearer sound. But the biggest faults i have to pick are that the script feels under developed and forced while a large selection of the shots leave us feeling disconnected from the characters, its really a film that feels like it could have needed an extra 6 months development.

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I saw this film at the 5th Annual Native American Film Festival in Keene, NH. Before seeing this extraordinarily well written, directed and produced feature, I saw two shorts that really opened my eyes to the difficult circumstances for many of our Native American citizens today.Prior to the film presentations, I had an opportunity to visit with some local craftsmen at the festival who demonstrated how to pound ash wood to make strips for baskets. There was also a handmade canoe on display that was truly a work of art. I try to make it to at least one pow-wow a year. As always, everyone at the festival was extremely gracious and their humor should be considered a national asset.I've read some of the other comments here and find it difficult to accept that anyone didn't absolutely love this movie. The story within a story concept was done to perfection. If you've never been to the Northwest US, you'll want to go after seeing this film. Every character is so valuably portrayed that I could completely step out of my life and join the story in my mind.I went to the film festival alone because I didn't have anyone to go with me. By the time I left, I didn't feel alone any more. Please let me know how I can get copies of the DVD for myself and to give as gifts. I've recommended this movie to my family, friends and everybody who serves me a cappuccino!

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Honestly, I was disappointed in "Expiration Date." Super clever title and interesting premise, but I don't think it delivered. What was it about? The main character's desire to reconnect with his Native roots? Or, more likely, it was his need to overcome his fear of death. But, he wasn't set up as someone who has lived his life in fear -- it seems as if his life was going fine, but since doomsday is approaching he should now start worrying. I didn't buy it. Meanwhile, the supporting characters in the film didn't seem to have needs that blended into an overarching story. They were all just doing their thing, running parallel to the main character. Also, what was treated as a "curse" looked more like a coincidence. Who cursed the family? Why? When? Finally, why didn't he just plan on staying in his apartment all day on his birthday? Those are my criticisms, but I did love the shots of Seattle, cinematography was beautiful, acting was good in the times it wasn't outstanding.

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