Rise of the Animals

May. 01,2012      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

In a world where animals have turned on humanity, a teen travels across the country in search of the girl of his dreams.

Phillip Musumeci as  Brian



Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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The first must-see film of the year.

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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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Virginal pizza delivery boy Wolf (Greg Hoople) and his equally inexperienced best bud Jake (Adam Schonberg) crash an all-girl sleepover party where both guys finally get lucky. Their good fortune is short-lived, however, when it transpires that the world is under attack from the animal kingdom, with even the most cute and cuddly of critters now bloodthirsty beasts.Rise Of The Animals is an intentionally inept 'animals attack' flick that aims to entertain with a barrage of deliberately pathetic special effects, a preposterous script, and terrible performances. And for a while its actually quite fun, the animal attacks achieved through the use of Birdemic-level CGI and manky hand puppets, with buckets of blood splashed around for good measure. It's all so dumb one cannot help to be entertained. For a while.Sadly, as the story goes nowhere, delivering one silly attack scene after another (including mutant turtles, a crap CGI gorilla with a red mohawk and an equally unconvincing bear), the novelty gradually starts to wear off, and, by the end of the film, you might find yourself wondering why you keep on wasting your time watching cheap rubbish like this when there are so many other films more worthy of your time. I know I do. Every time. But I keep on coming back for more

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I've read a couple of the reviews here and anyone expecting a scary movie from a film where the DVD covers shows a Squirrel nibbling on an Eyeball and has a tagline along the lines of "Bambi DOesn't Want A F***ing Salad!" is far more inane than the accusations they hurl at the film makers. Rise Of The Animals is a fast paced ultra low budget spoof with intentionally bad special effects and some sophomoric jokes that come off better than most first time horror comedies. It draws it's inspirations from seventies "B" classics like Frogs and Day Of The Animals and bad CGI epics on The SYfY CHannel like Sharktopus and Mega Croc. In fact I can heartily say the rise of the animals is far more entertaining than either of those films even with it's home made bad video game CGI. There's not much of a plot. A virginal Pizza Delivery guy stumbles upon an all girl sleep over where a girl from Canada whom he has had the hots for is staying and after a night of premature eruptus first time sex he wakes up to find the hot chick gone and the world gone crazy with violent cutesie critters. There isn't anything realistic or serious in the film and unlike many horror comedies it doesn't try too hard. It just gets as stupid as it wants to and goes on to the next scene. To it's credit it's nicely filmed,paced,scored and edited reminding me a lot of John Landis's first effort called Schlock. This was made by teens and folks in their 20's for under ten grand so knock back a couple of cold ones and have some fun and take it under consideration that the 7 I gave this pertains to it's genre only. I wouldn't grade it on the same scale I would Chinatown or Toy Story 3.

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bob walker

LOL u remember the days of the early 70's horror films where Christopher Reeve played Dracula & you see a bat fly around the room and you just KNOW that someone is in the ceiling holding a stick with some fishing line on it flying this bat around! well this is kinda THAT type of film! the type where the blood on the floor looked what it was "Fake blood" this is the film, i doubt they will ever make their money back on this film as its not funny its not scary and its not real in any sense! a few weeks ago i went to the cinema to watch battleship then the Avengers..battleship got a 7/10 the avengers a 10/10 where as this film i thought i would be generous and give it a 1/10 there is such a Tsunami of bad effects in it it made me laugh a little as some of the actors wasn't bad tbh and to be fare to them, but i do think the Goonies was more frightening then this

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Okay I gave it a 2 because it got me fooled. And I laughed! But not from the comedy. I laughed at how horrible this movie was made. Perhaps they intended this to be so stupid and faulty to entertain us. 30-40 seconds into the movie you will see what I mean. There was this spotted cat going berserk in a kitchen, lady holding a frying pan in fear. The cat suddenly jumps on her, and wham! She hits the cat (that looked like an all white teddy bear) that slams into the sink. Couldn't they just have tried to paint the stuffed thing with black spots to look like it was the cat? I can do better special effects and props in my backyard without breaking a sweat. So maybe I'm missing out on something about modern comedy. It's an adventure. The adventure of your lifetime getting ripped off on this foolish story. Horror. Oh the horrors of films made like this. I thought movies made in the Philippines were utterly horrible. Great work guys. You actually made Philippine movies look better. If you got nothing else on a Saturday night, and are prepared for the worse entertainment in the history of film making, suspend disbelief and just drink till your eyes get sucked in your skull and can't finish the movie? Then this is one of those movies out there just for you. Oh yeah, there are more of this I can assure you.

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