
March. 20,2015      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

The government cover-up of the causes behind a massive explosion in a futuristic UK metropolis spur photo journalist Jennifer Preston on to search for the truth and in the process blow open a paranormal phenomenon haunting the city.

Sam Benjamin as  Stevie
Elina Alminas as  Geisha
Franz Drameh as  Willy G
Emilia Jones as  Charlotte
Adrian Schiller as  Fat Pierce
Iwan Rheon as  Jonas Flack
Eleanor Matsuura as  Angela Rossi
Danny Webb as  Emeril Benedict
Tom Goodman-Hill as  Keller
Natalia Tena as  Jennifer Preston



A Masterpiece!

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A lot of fun.

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Casey Duggan

It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny

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Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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I give residue a 4/10 since it has some great visual appeal. All too often, however, movies - especially with all sorts of special effects technologies available today - rely too much on the fluffy stuff to make their story work when they should put equal thought into actual plot, dialogue, and characterization. There was no real depth to this "pilot" of a miniseries, and I don't feel like watching any more episodes of it. It's like stuffing yourself with cotton balls because you were hungry...not satisfying at all, and in fact might actually end up choking you.The pacing of the episodes was slower than it needed to be, with way too many shots used for "atmospheric" build-up and not enough actual oomph delivered story-wise. Some scenes were also inserted in awkwardly to info-dump the audience (and it also felt like they were inserted to let the audience dwell even more on the how edgy and artistic the shots are - the creative director indulged way too much in all that). The plot itself was riddled with run-of-the-mill sci-fi/fantasy/thriller tropes - nothing new, and no surprises, there. Anybody who is a fan of sci-fi or fantasy will roll their eyes at this one. Amidst the predictable lines, there were also lots of awkward dialogue spouted, and wooden characters that have no depth and likability, down to the secondary characters. I watched and watched, hoping to find one character that I liked but none were to be found. The setting seemed unnecessarily focused on the Asian culture (Chinatown? Or Japantown? Or what?) and did it in a trivial and mediocre way that had no impact on the plot whatsoever except for some vague exotic appeal (nowhere close to the awesomeness of Firefly's delivery).**SPOILERS BELOW** Really got the impression the director was just using this shallow, overused storyline to tout their great creative artistic special unique one-of-a-kind aesthetic flair. It's no coincidence the most special-est of characters in the miniseries is a self-obsessed photographer and blogger and also the only truly insightful character who is able to see the shadow-beings AND YET NOT GET ATTACKED BY THEM. Listen up everyone, she is one special gal, destined for greatness just FYI /s. The miniseries takes itself far too seriously to boot. If you like Iwan Rheon, you'd do far better watching the first seasons of Misfits.

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I'm intrigued! Can't wait to see more! """SPOILER ALERT""""""" I was slightly disappointed about Them being captured so soon. But I'm sure it'll add to the build-up and discovery of the truth about the black smoke. I'm leaning towards a government cover-up about some sort of alien species. It seem to only affect those filed with despair and hopelessness. A.m. curious to find out why she has so far Bern spared. Please continue production! And keep Jonas, I remember this actor from Misfits, love him! I've stated all I had to say about this show. Not sure why there is a ten line minimum. It doesn't take a book to say whether or not you like a show!

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Theo Robertson

When you've been watching a lot of prestigious award winners and Hollywood commercial blockbusters as I have then you need to change the record slightly and throw yourself in to a guilty pleasure . RESIDUE sounds like the film I might be looking for . A sort of conspiracy thriller come horror movie . In some ways it sounds like a British version of THE CRAZIES . I'll say one thing for it - it's definitely guilty . I'll say something else - it's not a pleasure An explosion kills 246 people at a nightclub in London and the area is evacuated . Four weeks later murders and bizarre suicides start happening on the periphery of the area . Is there a connection ? Reading this synopsis it does sound rather like a pulpy James Herbert pulpy trashy horror tale . No one involved with RESIDUE is kidding themselves they're going to winning an Oscar but there is a potential of a good seed there somewhere but instead of growing in to a mighty tree it ends up shrivelled in fungi and quickly dies To be fair to director Alex Garcia Lopez some shots are very well framed for what is very obviously a film constrained by a very small budget . However he doesn't do anything else well at all . Everything is overdone with constant creepy music drowning out the soundtrack . It's a horror film ? Yes Alex we noticed and can you spend more time developing the story instead of the constant and non stop reminder of the genre we are watching ? What drags the film down is the dire screenplay by John Harrison . We can forgive the ridiculous idea that the government have kept a chemical weapons dump in the heart of London if it's just used to set up the story but many things wrong with the story are unforgivable . The dialogue is always on the nose , unnatural sounding especially when voice over is used and quite frankly just bloody awful . Considering the actors weren't very good to start with their job is made impossible with the tools they're given and I doubt if Anthony Hopkins , Ian Holm or Daniel Day Lewis couldn't have given much of a performance with the lines they have to spout here Some people on this page have mentioned RESIDUE isn't in fact a stand alone feature length movie but a pilot for a much longer project . In that case let me remind everyone of the Joan Armatrading song lyric " Drop the pilot smell my perfume" because RESI-POO stinks

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Just wanted to to say to all those reviewers that keep saying things like 'It's ambiguous,' 'It feels like nothing was resolved,' and 'I'm no wiser at the end as to what the explanation was That's because this is a pilot!!! As the director says:"The thing I had envisioned was quite a long story. The movie that I was pitching them was essentially the beginning of the mythology, and with success we would have the opportunity to do more, so television sounded really exciting to me, given how it has evolved over the past several years — the novelization of television. Also, many of the networks are really getting creatively engaged with genre material, which was not always true in the early 2000s and going back."And:"It's really only the beginning of the story, according to Walls. "'Residue' Season 1 is really an extended pilot and should be thought of that way," she said. "Netflix don't necessarily do the Amazon- style pilot season. But 'Residue' is really more in that model where these first three chapters are live before the existence of a full season."So now you can all stop moaning about it and trying to be clever! And get to supporting it so the rest of the story is resolved - with a full series! 20150401

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