What's in a Name

April. 25,2012      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Vincent, a wealthy real estate agent, is invited to dinner by his sister Elizabeth and her husband Peter, both professors in Paris. Claude, a childhood friend and trombonist in a symphony orchestra, is also present. Vincent brings news from the prenatal examination of his and his wife Anna's unborn son. The name chosen by the soon-to-be parents strongly offends the others for many reasons. The dispute between the guests quickly escalates and before long the resurgence of old grudges and hidden secrets is unavoidable ...

Patrick Bruel as  Vincent
Valérie Benguigui as  Élisabeth
Charles Berling as  Pierre
Judith El Zein as  Anna
Françoise Fabian as  Françoise
Yaniss Lespert as  Livreur pizza
Miren Pradier as  Infirmière bracelet
Bernard Murat as  L'obstétricien

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A waste of 90 minutes of my life

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Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.

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The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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I highly enjoyed Le Prénom. The dialogs are so dinamic, with such a fluidity and the perfomances are sublime.

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Based on the premise, I had high expectations for this film. I was not disappointed. The film, however, started out, I thought, too quickly, too cleverly, a la Amelie Poulain, with its introductions and back stories of the main characters. When the film settled down, inside the apartment, the film got back on track to a pace I could enjoy. The dialogue is wonderful between the characters, each character having a unique voice and talking about subjects I would talk about at a dinner party. Each character had a certain point of view, unique yet relatable. Although the title is only a springboard to other subjects, it does start the film rolling, and roll it does, from jokes, to misunderstandings, to secrets, to childhood resentments, to pent up rage reaching it's climax during Babu's meltdown. Although all the characters are interesting, it is Babu we are rooting for. I loved Valérie Benguigui's amazing performance. I'd never seen her in films and I hope that I get to see more of her. The other actors are also fine in their roles. I must also say that Francoise Fabian has just aged beautifully. The first time I saw her was in Eric Rohmer's MY NIGHT AT MAUDS'S which was released in 1969. She still looks amazing.....I wrote this review before reading all the credits and was saddened to learn that Valerie Benguigui passed away in 2013 from cancer. People are here for a short time and they leave us. Some, if lucky, leave behind something that is forever in the cultural landscape. I'm glad I was witness to this beautiful film and beautiful performance ..Rest in Peace

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The Three Acts: The initial tableaux: The film starts in the 9th arrondissement in Paris. Pierre and Élisabeth (called Babu by most) are hosting a small dinner party. The daughter and son hopefully will stay asleep. Babu's brother Vincent arrives, and draws interest in the name of his pre-natal son with his wife. Trombonist and long time family friend Claude joins the group. Considerably later, Vincent's wife Anna arrives.Delineation of conflicts: Vincent's choice for the son's name is quite offensive, and a debate rages over it. Much emotional heat is generated as a result; tempers warm more than a bit.Later, Vincent admits that the announced name was a joke, but the hurt feelings remain. Worse, the admission comes only after Vincent and Pierre have wounded each other with words. The group continues skewering each other with sharp speech.Resolution: Can the group resume their usual warm relationships? Several harsh buried truths surface during the verbal fencing.

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What "Le Prénom" ("The First Name") accomplished was a miracle: it restored my faith on French comedy.Indeed, just when I thought that they were forever condemned to rely their success on simplistic and childish plots compensated with star-studded cast, or some more or less abuse of that parodist humor mostly inspired from TV, Alexandre de La Patellière's film reminds us that even in our cynical Internet days, it was possible to make people laugh with delightful dialogues and realistic human interactions, with the perfect cocktail of gentleness and cynicism, something I didn't think was possible since "Le Diner de Cons".And it's true that "Le Prénom" is really the descendant of Francis Veber's masterpiece and not just on its excellent sophistication that never patronizes the spectator. On the form too, there are similarities worth to be noticed: both movies are based on popular plays, "The Birdcage" was another example of successful adaptation from stage to the big screen. The movie perfectly combines a respect of the unity of time, place and plot, with a delightful premise: a friendly dinner in upper-class Parisian house that turns sour when one of the guest revealed the name he decided to give to his future son, shattering instantly the harmony and friendship between a memorable gallery of characters.Vincent (Patrick Bruel in a very interesting and nuanced performance) is Vincent, the brother of Babou (Elizabeth) played by the late Valerie Benguigi, a modest teacher married to a literature professor, Pierre, played by Charles Berling. Joining them is a meek, effeminate and non-confrontational musician, Claude, played by Guillaume de Tonquédec and Anna (Judith El Zein) as Vincent's pregnant wife, carrying in her womb the roots of the discord. Five characters, that's enough to set-up one of the funniest comedies of the last years. Both Guillaume de Tonquédec and Valérie Ben Guigui won the César for Best Supporting role, and the only bit of sadness conveyed by the film is Benguigui's untimely passing, at the age of 47.(Indeed, It's impossible not to think of that sad loss for French Cinéma while watching "Le Prénom" and I'm glad she won the César, as a tribute to an immense talent that will be sadly missed. She left Cinema with a poignant and funny performance that will be remembered in the years to come) Now how about that first-name that will ignite the fire of discord and misunderstanding? Although it's very tempting but I won't give it away, out of respect for the screenplay and because one of the first delights is to play that game with Vincent, when he challenges to guess the name he picked for his son. It's not an unknown name, which makes the exercise even more suspenseful and once you know it, you understand why it was so polemical. I wondered for months what was that was mysterious name and how could it provoke a clash, I'm glad I didn't have a clue till the day I saw the film. And yes, they couldn't have come up with a worse name.But don't worry, the film isn't centered only on the names' subject, it's just a starter to what will turn into something as chaotic as "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" where all the guests will have to say what they truly think and get rid of the whole social hypocrisy. And this is one of the aspects that make "Le Prénom" such a great comedy, it's a clever social commentary on the behavior of French elite, and the way their interactions, their speech mannerism or body language betray their political beliefs and their true feelings about so-called friends.It's a reminder of the way sometimes, conflicts can have a sane effect by luring us to reveal the most sincere part of ourselves, and what more eloquent than the way we name people we love to speak about us. I, myself, am tired with people in my country, who gave their children name that sound foreign because they know that today, having an Arabic name can be a handicap, for me these people are either accomplice of the system, acknowledging the very hate their people inspire, and be part of it, driven by a form of unconscious cowardice. I could relate to a story like that, and I'm sure I can get excitable when it comes to such subjects.So, behind the funny surface, "Le Prénom" is an extremely intelligent movie and deep in the way it tackles social interactions, much more when they touch family and friendship. There'll always be someone who'll be taken for what he is not and a simple sentence, one too much, can work like a wake-up call. And just when you think, you pointed your finger on someone's flaw, you realize you're not beyond criticism either, and this is the main lesson of "Le Prénom", it's about understanding each other, and respecting both people's choices and opinions, without being too wrapped up in one's egos.And at the end, the battle of egos turn into a recognition of each one's plea, and what starts like a comedy end like a great lesson about humility. Yet the film doesn't conclude on a serious note, and the ending is the perfect punch line to it. When it ended, I found every bit of the film most satisfying, tasting like a good wine that thankfully never went too sour. And as I said, as an aspiring screenwriter, I wish I could come up with a film half that good. Of course, I could throw some one-liners here and there, but taken out of their context, they wouldn't have the same effect, much more; they might give clues about that infamous name that started all.So, please, just watch it, if only to discover what is that mysterious name … but be a good movie fans, good sports, and don't cheat.

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